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An Account of the Righteous Thoughts and Actions of Falun Dafa Practitioners Detained in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp, Changchun City, Jilin Province

July 5, 2003


Walking Out of the Forced Labor Camp with a Smile

Chen Mingxian, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Siping City, Jilin Province was sentenced to one year forced labor for not renouncing his belief in Falun Dafa. In December 2001, Chen was transferred to Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp. He began a hunger strike to protest the brutal persecution; this brought forth fierce retaliation from the vicious police. He was verbally abused and physically tortured through forced feedings and long-term solitary confinement. Shortly after New Year's Eve 2002, the labor camp held a meeting where the Head of the Administrative Section, Zhang Fengming announced that Chen Mingxian's term of forced labor would be extended for another month and that every day Chen was on hunger strike an extra day would be added to his detention. At the meeting the head of the labor camp, Wang Yanwei stated: "I did not force you (Chen) to be reformed and I did not beat you up." Clearly he was lying to cover himself.

Fact One: In December 2001 Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp carried out mass torture on approximately 100 Dafa practitioners who had recently been transferred there.

Fact Two: Chen Mingxian was forced to go on a hunger strike in order to protest the torture he and others were subjected to.

To counter Wang Yanwei's shameless lies, Chen Mingxian stood up immediately and protested: "This is not true! It's a lie!" At once, the policemen and prison guards rushed Chen Mingxian, forced him on the ground and attempted to stop him from talking, however Chen continued to expose the lies of the Wang Yanwei. No matter how heavy the pressure was, it simply could not change Chen Mingxian's rock solid righteous faith in Falun Dafa's principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance."

Although Chen Mingxian's term in the labor camp had been illegally extended for half a year, he finally walked out of the labor camp with a righteous and dignified smile on his face. The Head of the "Education Through Labor Division," Chen Kaiyi admitted: "People like Chen Mingxian and Zou Xiangyang would not be reformed even if you detained them for ten more years. This is because they do not have doubts about Falun Dafa and just firmly believe in it!"

Persisting in Keeping Righteous Thoughts under High Pressure and Intense Pain

Zou Xiangyang, a doctor from an institution of higher learning in Changchun, was illegally sentenced for three years of forced labor for taking part in the action to stop the so called "trial" of Falun Dafa practitioners by a district court in Changchun City.

Since Zou held the highest academic credentials, the disciplinary guards and the head of the forced labor camp all wanted to "transform" him, so as to make an example of him, therefore he endured inhuman pressure. However, no matter how violent and deceptive the persecutors are, nothing can shake Zou's diamond-like belief in Falun Dafa.

In autumn 2002, Zou's aging mother died bearing a grievance for her illegally detained son who had suffered so much wrongdoing. The base and shameless forced labor camp officials said that if Zou was not reformed he would not be allowed to attend the funeral. Zou Xiangyang totally opposed the treatment and endured the indescribable pain in his pure heart; he never once yielded to the evil. Finally the labor camp had to let him to attend his mother's funeral without imposing any conditions. After the funeral, Zou continued to study the Fa [Teachings of Falun Gong], send forth righteous thoughts and clarify the truth. At present Zou is still illegally detained in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp.

Only When the Year Grows Cold Do We See the Qualities of the Pine and Cypress

Li Manting is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Yushu City, Jilin Province and is nearly 60 years old. He was illegally sentenced to one year forced labor. When he was taken to the criminal police station and the detention center, Li suffered horrible torture but he didn't say a word so as not to implicate other Dafa practitioners.

In April 2002, the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp conducted evil deeds on a large scale. Resolute and dauntless, Li Manting suffered unprecedented torture. Incited by the disciplinary guards, inmates Song Hongwei, Jia Weidong and others coerced the elderly man to give up his belief. When all their threats failed, several perpetrators forced the old man onto the bed and then used metal pipes to bash his back and legs. Three metal pipes were bent as a result of the severe beating and the old man fainted several times because of the pain, though he did not make one sound throughout the beating.

The inmates were moved by Li's righteous and kind nature. At the end of 2002, the old man's lower and legs were so badly injured that he needed help walking, yet he has continued to hold his head high.

After the Chinese New Year in 2003, the old man fearlessly walked out of the forced labor camp and once again melted into the mighty current of Fa-rectification cultivation.

Two Elder Men Have Remained Unyielding, Even When Salt Is Put in their Wounds

Both Zhang Shushan and Ding Yunde are Falun Dafa practitioners and over fifty years old. At the time the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp carried out its large-scale torture in April 2002, both men were kept in Division Three. Under great pressure and evil coercion they were forced to write the "guarantee," at this time they were not in a stable frame of mind. After a period of Fa study, the two old men strengthened their righteous thoughts and announced at the same time to "steadfastly cultivate Falun Dafa." The vicious deputy head of the division three, Liu Wenrui was so furious that he and the prison guard Peng madly beat up Zhang Shushan using electric batons to shock him and whipped him with a three-sided belt for several hours that evening. Later on they dragged the old man into the wash room, stripped off his clothing, poured water all over him and then used electric batons to further shock him. Furthermore, the vicious guards put salt in Zhang's wounds. No matter how savage the evil perpetrators were all these tortures failed to make Zhang Shushan submit.

The next morning, the head of the forced labor camp, Chen Lihui, deputy head of the Division Three, Liu Wenrui, as well as prison guards Li Jun and Wang Hexing began to torture Ding Yunde like crazy monsters. However, Ding Yunde would not cooperate with the evil. The vicious policemen had exerted great effort to handcuff Ding and after that they surrounded Ding and punched and kicked him badly. However, all their corrupt tactics failed to work. Ding Yunde has walked out of the forced labor camp in an upright fashion; Zhang Shushan remains illegally detained.

Righteous Thoughts Strengthen as Body is Crippled

Mao Zengshun, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Changchun, was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor for flying a kite bearing the words "Falun Dafa Is Great" at the People's Square. Vicious police badly injured his lower back and broke his right leg. Because the police did not give Mao medical treatment, his right leg is now crippled. While in Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp the evil perpetrators were dumbfounded by his steadfast and unyielding character. No one dared to ask him to give up his belief any more. After staging a hunger strike for many days in protest of the persecution he was extremely weak, however, his belief toward Falun Dafa was never stronger .

Qu Hongkui, a Dafa practitioner from Liaoyuan City, stepped forward to validate Dafa and clarify the truth many times. This is his second time in illegal forced labor and he's serving three years detention. Since April 2002, Qu has stood victorious in many of the guards "conquering the most righteous practitioners" campaign. He has endured great physical suffering. Although he is now frail and extremely weak, the labor camp still refuses to release him. Cruel torture and even death threats fail to change his upright belief in Falun Dafa.