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Wholeheartedly Saving Sentient Beings; Clarifying the Truth Anywhere Anytime

July 5, 2003 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China


Along with the speeding up of Fa-rectification, saving sentient beings is very critical. Teacher said in Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference: "Of the three things to validate the Fa, one is to study the Fa well, one is to clarify the facts, and another is to take sending righteous thoughts seriously. Put together, these things all validate the Fa and all save sentient beings, and they are all what Dafa disciples should do." We can study the Fa and send righteous thoughts at home. What about clarifying the truth? We must often step out.

Handing out Dafa fliers is one way of clarifying the truth. Every other one or two weeks I would go outside to hand out fliers, with approximately 200 fliers each time. But the next day when I discovered that there were fliers being thrown away or torn up, I felt very sad. I even heard some people say: "In Falun Gong literature there's nothing to read about." Facing this situation, I felt that I must go out and clarify truth to ordinary people face-to-face. I found the effect was very different when using my heart to clarify the truth. Just like Teacher said in "Righteous Thoughts," "Dafa practitioners have became the only hope of saving sentient beings." Recently I found the effect of clarifying the truth to ordinary people has been very good.

Barbershops are good places for me to clarify the truth. Every time I carried truth-clarifying materials I went in to a different barbershop. In one barbershop, I first sent righteous thoughts, then took out and read truth-clarifying booklets. I asked the people: "Have you ever had any Falun Gong fliers?" Then I introduced topics and started to clarify the truth: people who practice Falun Gong cultivate Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. They are all to be good to accumulate virtue, but Jiang Zemin insanely persecuted them. He does not suppress corrupt officials, but persecutes good people. This society has no fairness. In this way, I drew out topics from other people. No matter they were against or indifferent toward Falun Dafa, I was always able to tell the truth so they nodded silently to agree.

Shoe repairing stores, dry clean shops, grocery stores, cake shops, supermarkets etc. are all are good places to clarify the truth. Everywhere when I finish clarifying the truth, I told people: I hope you can tell the truth to your relatives and friends; let them benefit from truth so they will have a good future; in the meantime yourself will also accumulate boundless virtues.

Sometimes I also went to friends' or old neighbors' homes to clarify the truth. Whatever the place that I went to clarify the truth, I added some more fliers next time. Later I did not find any torn or thrown materials.

I have been to local police stations, courtrooms, town government buildings, schools, industry and commerce buildings, tax bureau offices, banks, electrical industry bureau offices, post offices, etc. to distribute truth materials. Although I am not sure of the effects, I believed it definitely played a role in exposing the evil.