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California's Santa Barbara County Solemnly Celebrates Falun Dafa Week; Representatives of Congressperson and Mayor Present Proclamations (Photos)

July 6, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) On the afternoon of June 29, The celebration of Santa Barbara County's Falun Dafa Week was solemnly held in the beautiful city of Santa Barbara's central library. Representatives of US Congresswoman Lois Capps and Santa Maria Mayor Larry Lafagnino attended the ceremony and presented proclamations to Falun Dafa.

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Government officials present proclamations and citations to Falun Gong for the celebration. Mr. Jerome D. on behalf of Congresswoman Lois Capps presenting proclamation Ms. Catalina Kalasic on behalf of Mayor of Santa Maria presenting proclamation
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Residents attending the ceremony Falun Gong practitioner teaching local resident Falun Gong exercises Local resident learning Dafa exercises.

Falun Gong practitioners from Santa Barbara County and the surrounding area as well as local residents attended the celebration.

The ceremony started at 2pm. A volunteer spokesperson representing Falun Gong practitioners first gave some opening remarks. He briefly talked about the wide acceptance of Falun Gong around the world, the contributions of Falun Gong to California and the local community as well as Falun Gong practitioners' peacefulness and courage facing the evil persecution of Jiang's regime. After the opening remarks, the representative of Congresswoman Lois Capps, Mr. Jerome D. and the representative of the Mayor of Santa Maria, Larry Lafagnino, Ms. Catalina Kalasic read congratulatory letters and issued proclamations. Proclamation and citations from California congresspersons, senators and other officials were read. A representative of the Falun Gong practitioners expressed sincere appreciation for their support. Practitioners also presented Dafa books and videotapes to honored guests.

Two practitioners from Los Angeles then performed a sword dance and Erhu music. Dafa practitioners' performances won warm applause from the audience. Many readers in the library also were attracted by the music.

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Local resident Maria Bostian said she learned a lot during the cerebration ceremony Practitioner playing Erhu (a traditional Chinese music instrument) Practitioner performing sword dance

Practitioners showed a Falun Dafa introduction video. The local resident attending the ceremony also learned the five sets of exercises. After the exercise demonstration, they contacted local practitioners and expressed a desire to participate in the local group's activities. Residents from other cities asked about holding similar activities in their cities. After having learned the exercises, a lady took lots of Dafa information with her and said she wanted to share it with more friends and colleagues.