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Dafa Practitioner Mr. Ji Songshan Killed by Police in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province

July 8, 2003


27-year-old Dafa practitioner Mr. Ji Songshan lived in Nanshan, Lingdong District of Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province. Around 10 AM, June 17, 2003, police from the city's anti-crime team kidnapped him from his home. They tortured him for a "confession" in extremely cruel ways, killing him about 3 PM on June 18. After that, they also extorted money from his family.

At the strong request of Mr. Ji's family, police allowed relatives to view his body. His body and head were covered in bandages. After undoing the bandages, the relatives were shocked by his distorted body: his face and back were purple, the left eye swollen and bloody, his ankles wounded and the skin on his toes and arms torn by torture.

Li Hongbo, Zhao Jingfang, and another police officer surnamed Du at the "610 Office" (an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems) first lied that Mr. Ji jumped from the third floor, and then lied that it was from 7th floor. The family members examined the body again but didn't find any wounds, such as fractures, that would be caused by such a fall. They requested a coroner's exam report, but were refused by police of "610 Office." The body had not been cremated as of June 21.

It is known that police officer Li Hongbo participated in the persecution of Ji Songshan. The names of other perpetrators are still under investigation.