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Wuhan Authorities Imprison Practitioner Mr. Yan Zhigang for Extended Period

July 8, 2003


Dafa practitioner Mr. Yan Zhigang has been illegally detained since last September. Xiang Hui, a policeman aged around 40 from Wuhan City Police Department, is responsible for the persecution. He first sentenced Mr. Yan to 2 years in a labor camp. After being detained in Hewan Labor Camp for 3 months, Mr. Yan was moved to the Second Detention Center of Wuhan. Xiang Hui also colluded with the head of the detention center to further persecute Mr. Yan. They prevented Mr. Yan's family from visiting him and from sending him clothing. So far Mr. Yan is still wearing the only clothes he had in winter. He was imprisoned in a small cell and monitored by police 24 hours a day.

Mr. Yan has now been illegally imprisoned for more than 9 months. He has been unable to be at home with his wife for over 2 years. Policeman Xiang Hui frequently calls to harass his wife and child. Once he threatened the child: "Don't tell your mother where your father is. If we find that she contacts other Falun Gong members, your family's property will be confiscated and you will be driven out of the apartment."

Under the instruction from their chief, the police of the second detention center threatened Mr. Yan's elderly mother-in-law: "We can do whatever we want, we're truly above the law. We're not afraid even if you go to sue us at the UN. If you don't get out, we'll call 110 (equivalent of 911 in the US) to arrest you." This poor lady was very frightened and suffered extreme anxiety.

Mr. Yan's family worries about his situation anxiously, for his life is in great danger now.