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Falun Dafa at the Independence Day Parade in Edmonds, Washington (Photos)

July 8, 2003 |   By a practitioner from the State of Washington

(Clearwisdom, July 7) Americans celebrate their Independence Day in all kinds of ways. In Edmonds, a beautiful small city near Seattle, Washington, an annual Independence Day Parade was held. Edmonds is a pretty city with a population of thirty thousand people. In the early morning of July 4, people were already happily waiting along the curbsides. Dafa practitioners from Seattle also started preparing for the Edmonds Parade early in the morning.

When practitioners arrived at the assigned site of the parade, a middle-aged lady walked up to them. "Are you the Falun Gong persecuted in China?" She asked. The practitioners answered yes. Then, she led some practitioners to a van parked along the roadside, and introduced them to the people on board from a retirement center and their family members. An elderly practitioner in her 70s introduced Falun Gong's health benefits to them, as well as the situation of the persecution in China. Upon hearing her story, the people asked for Dafa materials one after another.

The parade route was about one mile long. The practitioners' team was welcomed all along the parade route. While practitioners were performing the exercises, people were constantly walking up to take photos of them, and praising the beauty of Dafa practitioners. The young practitioners who were passing out materials could hardly keep up. Falun Dafa's wonderfulness and peacefulness left a deep impression on the people of this small city.