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South Taiwan Petition Drive: "Hong Kong Must Rescind Article 23" (Photos)

July 8, 2003 |   By a practitioner from south Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) To protect the Hong Kong people's basic human rights and to stop China's dictatorship from extending its tyranny to Hong Kong, practitioners from south Taiwan held a group study and experience sharing meeting. The practitioners understood that the evil "Article 23" legislation should not exist must be rescinded. They took the initiative to launch a "Hong Kong must delete Article 23 from Basic Law" petition drive to let more Taiwanese people understand that Article 23 was designed to suffocate opposition voices and deprive the Hong Kong people of their basic human rights under the cover of "national security."

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On Friday, the practitioners prepared 60 pieces of cloth own which to collect signatures, 12 display boards, and 12,000 flyers in a short time and distributed them to each district. On Saturday and Sunday, the petition drive started. The people responded so actively that the prepared cloths ran out in two hours. The practitioners hurried to buy more. Most of the people, no matter old or young, no matter what party they are in, came to our site to sign and offer support from far away. Some residents encouraged us to do more and said that we were doing very well. Some people saw the practitioners were very busy so they helped to set up the cloths. Some foreigners also signed their names to support our petitions. We are very glad that so many people chose to support justice at this critical time.