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Falun Gong Practitioners Join Independence Day Parade in Philadelphia (Photos)

July 8, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) At the birthplace of the US where the Declaration of Independence was signed, this year's Independence Day celebration was extraordinary. The world's first museum displaying the artifacts of American Independence, the National Constitution Center, was established in Philadelphia and opened to public. The museum increased the meaning of the Independence Day Celebration. The Independence Day parade pushed the celebration activity to its climax. Falun Gong also organized a large-scale team to participate in the parade.

On July 4 at 6pm, along the Benjamin Franklin Blvd in front of the Philadelphia Art Museum, over 80 groups participated in the Independence Day Parade. This year's parade theme was "Bring the Constitution to Life." Drums, marching bands, teams representing different ethnic groups such as China, the Philippines, India, and many flower-covered floats decorated with themes such as "Nation's Birthplace," "We are Americans," "Founding Father," "Liberty Bell" etc. marched along Benjamin Franklin Blvd.

Falun Gong practitioners' team was the most spectacular among the parade procession. Among the big banners reading, "Truth Compassion Tolerance" and "Falun Dafa" were colorful lantern and silk ribbon dances, and drum performances in yellow practice suits. On the lotus flower decorated float practitioners were practitioners in fairy clothes and others demonstrating the Dafa exercises. Spectators along the road acclaimed constantly, "So beautiful, Good job." Many people asked for Dafa flyers. Over 10,000 flyers were distributed quickly.

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Falun Gong team demonstrates the magnificence of Falun Dafa

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Fairy girls representing Traditional Chinese Culture

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Falun Gong Practitioners demonstrating Falun Gong exercises on decorated float.

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Waist Drum band

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Young Falun Gong practitioners in parade Western practitioners prepare flyers for parade Practitioners distributing Dafa flyers along the parade route