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Hand in Hand, Canadians Support the Hong Kong People Against the Draconian Legislation of Article 23 (Photos)

July 8, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Epochtimes- July 6. On July 5, the Global Coalition Against Article 23 Legislation, Toronto Falun Gong practitioners and Toronto residents held a "Hand in Hand Against the Evil Legislation" activity beside the Hong Kong Economy and Trade Office in Toronto and Chinese consulate in Toronto to support Hong Kong residents' July 1 grand march.

At 3:30pm a joint press conference was held outside the Hong Kong Economy and Trade Office.

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Wu Jiantao thinks that Article 23 legislation will bring China's law to Hong Kong. Ms. Zhong expressed that as a Falun Gong practitioner, she fully understood why 500,000 Hong Kong people wanted to protest.

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Global Coalition Against Article 23 Legislation Canada Branch spokesperson Mr. Wu Jiantao expressed that the purpose of the Article 23 legislation was to establish a legal channel to extend the persecution of Falun Gong to Hong Kong.

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The "Hand in Hand Against the Evil Legislation" activity starts at the Hong Kong Economy and Trade Office. At the Chinese consulate in Toronto Elderly woman and young children are "Hand in Hand Against the Evil Legislation"

Toronto Falun Gong Association was one of the organizations attending the activity. Ms. Zhong stated that as a Falun Gong practitioner, she fully understood why 500,000 Hong Kong people wanted to protest, because when a government ignores people's opinions and brushes away the public's demands, then peaceful protest would become the only way to express their opinions. She emphasized that in China, Falun Gong practitioners did not have any channels through which to appeal. The government not only arrests the appealers and then persecutes them, but also uses media to spread fabricated news to slander Falun Gong practitioners. With no alternatives, Falun Gong practitioners use all possible ways to clarify the truth of Falun Gong to society. Ms. Zhong told reporters that she felt deep respect for the Hong Kong people's courage. She believed that the Hong Kong people will safeguard their beliefs and continue to fight for their human rights and freedom.

Ms. Liu, who was originally from Xinzhu, Taiwan, said when being interviewed that just 6 years after Hong Kong returned to China it is facing the danger of being subjected to China's despotic rule. This raises serious concerns about the promise the Chinese government has made to Taiwan.

From the Hong Kong Economy and Trade Office to the Chinese consulate, about 200 participants held hands and used small banners to express their demands, "Against the evil legislation, save Hong Kong." "Against Article 23 Evil Legislation." "Release Falun Gong Practitioners." Participants included both the elderly and young children.

Also, Global Coalition Against Hong Kong Article 23 Legislation, Canada Branch is actively appealing to the Canadian governments, NGOs and people to voice their support for Hong Kong's freedom and future.