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The Global Coalition for Bringing Jiang to Justice Holds Conference in Paris (Photo)

Aug. 10, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net, August 10, 2003) Following the lawsuit filed by Falun Gong practitioners in the United States District Court of Illinois on October 18, 2002, kind-hearted people who care about justice and are concerned for the future of China have been setting up the Global Coalition for Bringing Jiang to Justice, an organization whose mission is to expose all of Jiang Zemin's crimes and bring Jiang to justice in the court of moral principles, conscience and law. Up to this point, there have been more than 40 groups or individual members in the Coalition, such as the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong, the Global Coalition Against Article 23 Legislation, China Peace, Amnesty China, the China Democracy Association, The Press of Overseas Chinese Students, The Chinese Democracy and Culture Association, China United, the Committee to Investigate the Persecution of Religions in China, New England Life and Science Research Association, the Chinese Youth Democratic Alliance, and Friends of Hong Kong and Macao at Boston. New groups and individuals continue to join.

The Preparation Committee of the Global Coalition for Bringing Jiang to Justice held its first activity in Paris' Chinese Culture and Education Center on August 3: "The Conference of the Global Lawsuit against the People's Enemy Jiang Zemin." Members of the French branches of the Chinese Democratic Party, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong, the Chinese Youth Democratic Alliance, the Chinese Democracy and Culture Association, some Taiwanese people and Falun Gong practitioners attended the conference. The Committee to Investigate the Persecution of Religions in China, the German Student Union, and the German Democratic Alignment all sent announcements to express their strong support for the conference.

The first activity of the Global Coalition for Bringing Jiang to Justice in Paris was deeply meaningful, as in October 1999 Jiang visited France and illegally badmouthed Falun Gong to the French media, boldly ignoring official legislation and jurisdiction.

After the chairman announced the start of the conference, Wu Jiang, the chairman of the China Democratic Party in France, made the first speech and seriously pointed out that Jiang Zemin is a representative for three things: a representative for Genocide, a representative for trading off Chinese territory, and the greatest representative for tyranny. Wu Jiang also counted Jiang Zemin's known evil deeds, such as allegedly betraying China during the War of Resistance Against Japan, keeping a watchful eye on Chinese students living in Russia, his aggressiveness in ordering the Tiananmen Square slaughters on June 4, 1989, persecuting millions of Falun Gong practitioners and the general public, persecuting democratic people because they do not agree with his views, and cruelly persecuting 60 million family church members. Wu Jiang severely accused Jiang Zemin of using the cruelest, meanest, and dirtiest violence to persecute millions of Falun Gong practitioners. He also represented the China Democratic Party in paying the highest respects to all Falun Gong practitioners for surviving through the cold winter of 4 years of persecution and passing through this terror. Wu Jiang deeply believes that justice will defeat evil.

Zhang Jianping, a representative of the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in France, pointed out in his speech that Jiang Zemin persecutes Falun Gong with lies and violence, terrorizing the whole of China. This not only tramples on the basic human rights of millions of Falun Gong practitioners and their friends and families, but also has a serious negative impact on the normal development and the stabilization of public morality and of the society. Thus, the trial against Jiang Zemin is an action of justice to protect morality, and it is beneficial to a country as well as its citizens. After the speech, the participants watched a documentary in which Jiang's evil deeds were exposed. After that, the chairman of the conference appealed to everyone to tell others about what they have seen and heard today of Jiang Zemin's crimes.

Li Shi-Xiong, the Chairman of the Committee to Investigate the Persecution of Religions in China, based in New York, sent a statement to the conference. He said that ever since Jiang Zemin became leader of China, degeneration and corruption have become endemic, a great deal of the hard-earned money belonging to the Chinese people has been embezzled, and both Christians and Falun Gong practitioners are being severely repressed. We are very clear about the destructive disasters the terrorism of a country lead by Jiang Zemin can bring to the Chinese people. Li Shi-Xiong made a strong appeal asking all Chinese around the world to join hands and condemn the evil leader who poisons the Chinese people's conscience and soul with terror. Let us condemn those who breed corruption, and denounce those who trample our country due to the attitude of a leader in the society.

Several Falun Gong practitioners who personally suffered persecution were invited to testify in the conference. One of them is a lady, Chen Ying, who started practicing Falun Gong in 1996. She came with her husband to France to work for the Chinese Embassy in March 1999 and went back to China to visit relatives in the end of 1999. Because she persisted in her belief, she was arrested many times. At last, the evil police in the local police station lied to Mrs. Chen and brought her to a labor camp. They forcibly detained Mrs. Chen in the labor camp and disregarded the objections from the workers in the labor camp. Mrs. Chen warned the evil policemen right from the beginning, if my life, family, or work is influenced by this, I will come back to find you after I go out. The evil policemen immediately replied, "It's none of our business. It's an order from the top. If Falun Gong is to reverse a miscarriage of justice, I may appear in court as a witness. During the one year, Mrs. Chen suffered from various inhuman treatments and was wrecked both physically and spiritually.

A declaration was read from Peng Xiaoming, the chairman of the German Student Union, and by Yu Li, the chairman of Germany Democratic Alignment. It was said by the German Student Union that Jiang Zemin struck at people involved in democratic activities both inside China and abroad, cracked down on Falun Gong practitioners and created numerous false homicide cases. The corruption is getting worse in the political arena in China; it's getting more systematic, and more like a group of gangsters than a government. A huge amount of land has been traded off. Jiang Zemin is an unforgivable traitor to his country, unparalleled in the history of the Chinese nation.

It was said in the declaration by the Germany Democratic Alignment that the root cause of the phenomenon of corruption in China today is Jiang Zemin and the Communist's autocratic system. Jiang Zemin's persecution of Falun Gong tells us that he is a genuine criminal. It will not cool down people's anger if he does not have an open trial.

Before the end of the conference, the chairman said, "Though the Chinese people have suffered from poison for many years by the Communists, the traditional culture has remained rooted in people's heart, such as filial piety and fraternal duty, a sense of honor or of shame, benevolence and righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, trust, etc. When people see Falun Gong's Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance, they certainly like it. As a result, there are many people practicing Falun Gong. Jiang Zemin, however, is a representative of lies, evil and violence. He is afraid whenever he sees Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance. He is even more afraid because there are so many people practicing Falun Gong. So he feels that he must persecute Falun Gong. The chairman appealed to everyone to learn Falun Gong and to record those evil people one by one and have them dealt with according to the law.

The theme of the conference focused on genocide and crimes against humanity to expose Jiang Zemin's persecution of the Chinese people to the world. The Alliance is to continue holding a series of activities in France to expose Jiang Zemin's betrayal of his country and his many crimes of corruption.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200308/14344.html