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UK: Practitioners Perform a Symbolic Trial During a Street Festival in Edinburgh to Expose Jiang's Crimes (Photos)

Aug. 10, 2003 |   By practitioners from UK

(Clearwisdom.net, August 10, 2003) After winning First Prize in the Edinburgh International Festival Parade, Falun Gong practitioners performed a piece of street drama, which also featured several actors and a puppet, to expose Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin's crimes against humanity and morality. The show took place at one end of the busiest street in Edinburgh on August 4.

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During the festival, the streets of Edinburgh are crowded with people. Artists from all over the world put on many different types of displays. However, what particularly attracted people's attention were Falun Gong practitioners at the end of the bridge on Princes Street. People could see Falun Dafa's golden banners from quite a distance away. Some practitioners were practicing the Falun Gong exercises, some gave out leaflets and others collected petition signatures. At times, people queued up in two long lines waiting to sign the petition.

The street drama, entitled "Chinese Dictator Jiang Zemin's Worst Nightmare," was adapted from American practitioners' show of the same name but used specific cases of persecution affecting people in the UK. Practitioners played the main characters in the play whilst the play's bad guy, Jiang Zemin, was played by a puppet. When the play began, practitioners who were distributing leaflets said that they suddenly got a lot busier as the area became crowded with people. Many Chinese tourists wanted to learn more about Falun Dafa after seeing the show.

Afterwards, practitioners moved the show to the famous Edinburgh Park, where many people go for a rest from all the excitement. They plan to take the show on tour around the UK letting more people know about the monstrous crimes that Jiang Zemin has committed, and to support the global trial of Jiang by the forces of conscience, morality and justice.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200308/14342.html