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Canada: Clarify the Facts During the Visit of Chinese Minister of Commerce to Vancouver (Photos)

Aug. 10, 2003 |   By practitioners from Vancouver, Canada

(Clearwisdom.net August 10, 2003) On August 7, Falun Gong practitioners held group practice near the Canada Place Hotel in downtown Vancouver where the Chinese Minister of Commerce, Mr. Lu Fuyuan lodged. They unfurled banners to protest the Jiang Zemin regime's four-year persecution of Falun Gong and made good use of the opportunity to clarify the facts.

At 6 a.m. on August 7, practitioners gathered together near the Canada Place Hotel. Some practitioners held banners imprinted with the words, "Falun Dafa is Great!" "The Heaven's Principle is Clear, Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice," "The Arm of the Law Is Extending, Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice." Some practitioners practiced the exercises and others distributed flyers to passersby. Practitioners held this activity to oppose Jiang regime's inhuman persecution and utilized the opportunity to clarify the facts to the delegation members so as to awaken them from the lies.

Practitioner Li Lan said when interviewed by reporters, "Jiang Zemin's persecution of Falun Gong is completely based on lies, which deceived people. He used a quarter of the national income to persecute Falun Gong. As a result, hundreds of thousands of good people who cultivate in accordance with Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance are forced to leave home and become destitute to avoid being imprisoned. More than 100,000 practitioners are unlawfully imprisoned. Almost everyday there are practitioners being tortured to death." "Currently, Falun Gong practitioners in a number of countries are filing lawsuits against the former leader of China charging him with committing genocide. We believe that good will be rewarded with good, while the bad will receive its due retribution. Therefore we come here, hoping the Chinese people who were deceived by the lies, could learn the true story about Falun Dafa and join us to stop this persecution of goodness and justice."

When the Chinese Consulate officials saw Falun Gong practitioners, they immediately had a group of police officers and hotel security personnel spread out at the hotel entrance. They looked quite nervous. They had long discussions together and kept changing their parking location. The weaponless Falun Gong practitioners were just conducting a peaceful appeal to condemn the principle criminal who initiated this suppression. Why would they be so afraid? This reflected Jiang's fear of China's government officials learning about the worldwide spread of Falun Gong. He feared that people would know about the lawsuit against him. He feared that his crimes would be exposed.

Practitioners explained the persecution facts to police officers and told them why we came here. Trough truth clarification, the police officers understood that we came here to peacefully appeal and would not bring any trouble to them. They even told western practitioners which vehicles were used to serve the delegation.

When the general members of the delegation gathered at the lobby or got onto the vehicles, practitioners calmly told them, "Jiang will stand condemned through ages for his persecution of Falun Gong. We hope you will learn about the truth of Falun Gong. At this critical moment, please choose conscience and justice." "Please remember that Falun Gong is good."

Falun Gong practitioners activities concluded at about 9 a.m., when the delegation left the hotel.