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Minnesota Senator and Congressman Express Support of Falun Gong (Photos)

Aug. 10, 2003

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Minnesota practitioners meet with Senator Norm Coleman Minnesota practitioners meet with Congressman Gil Gutknecht

(Clearwisdom.net, August 10, 2003) On July 21 and 22, practitioners from Minnesota visited offices of Minnesota senators and representatives in Washington DC. Senator Norm Coleman and Congressman Gil Gutknecht met with the practitioners in person and expressed support and sympathy for Falun Dafa. We also clarified the facts to the legislative assistants of congressional representatives who were unable to personally meet with us.

Prior to our visit, we had been in contact with all the congressional offices and had been sending them periodical updates. This time in Washington DC, our main goal was to thank our senators and represenatatives for their support and concern, and to more deeply clarify the facts. All of the offices received us positively, especially when they learned that the mother of a local Minnesota practitioners was still detained in a labor camp in China.