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Cherishing the Memory of Dafa Practitioner Dong Cuifang

Aug. 10, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Several months ago I learned that Dafa practitioner Ms. Dong Cuifang passed away as result of the persecution. Cuifang always had a smile on her face and was the most gentle person. I did not study the Fa well at times and always had some questions. I was afraid to ask people, except for Cuifang. She was always patient and paid close attention to me, no matter how na ve the question was. I never felt embarrassed talking to her, and knew she would always regard everything from the standpoint of the Fa. Sometimes she didn't have an answer. She would say, "I don't have a good solution either, why don't we study the Fa together? We will find an answer when we have faith in Master and Dafa."

I watched her folding truth-clarifying materials, sometimes taking as long as a day to finish the task, yet she made sure every page was folded neatly. This deeply touched me. It is a great shame and outrage that the persecution has taken Cuifang from us.

July 29, 2003