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Police in Changchun City's Heizuizi Labor Camp Commit Fraud in Repackaging and Selling Medicine

Aug. 10, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) People released from the Changchun Heizuizi Labor Camp have confirmed that division No. 3 of this labor camp forced detainees to repackage low-quality medicine for profit.

The labor camp authorities purchased low-quality medicine in large quantities from various pharmaceutical companies. They forced detainees to open the pre-packaged medicine and re-package them with the "Beijing Tongrentang" brand name. They would then sell the medicine for much higher prices and turn a big profit.

The repackaging process was not at all sanitary -- there was no disinfection procedure for the detainees, and often medicine that fell on the floor would be picked up and re-packaged.

July 29, 2003