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Suggestion: Issue International Investigation Requests So That Persecutors Are Unable to Hide From Justice

Aug. 10, 2003 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Recent news published on Clearwisdom, clearly shows how authorities in Mainland China have used countless unscrupulous means to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. If a person had even just a little bit of conscience, he or she would not be able to do such terribly bad things. These people are hardly even worthy of being called "human." The following are just a few examples.

Burned by Fire Bricks

Mr. Liao Yuanhua, Discipline Committee Secretary of Wuxue City Forestry Bureau was cruelly tortured in Fanjiatai Labor Camp in Shayang City of Hubei Province. In the brickyard kiln of Fanjiatai Labor Camp, it is 80 C (around 160 F to 170 F), and the burning bricks are red-hot. One day the police pushed Liao Yuanhua onto a pile of burning bricks. With smoke coming from his burnt body, Liao Yuanhua fainted instantly. The police watched and laughed at his suffering.

Torture of Women at the Shibalihe Female Forced Labor Camp--Strait Jackets Used to Break Arms, Shoulders, Elbows, Spines and Cause Agonizing Death

The police forced determined Dafa practitioners to wear straight jackets, and then crossed and tied their arms behind their backs. Then they pull their arms up over their shoulders to the front of their chest, tie up the practitioners' legs and hang them up in the air from the windows. At the same time, they gag practitioners' mouths with cloth, put earphones in their ears and continuously play messages that slander Dafa. According to an eyewitness account, people who suffer this torture quickly sustain broken arms, tendons, shoulders, wrists and elbows. Those who endure this torture for a long time have their spines completely broken, and they die in agonizing pain.

Policemen in Baihelin Detention Center Rape Female Practitioner

On the evening of May 13, 2003, the police in Baihelin Detention Center, Shabingba District, Chongqing City raped female graduate student Wei Xingyan in front of two female inmates.

The crimes the persecutors have committed are too numerous to record! But they forget that there is no one who can ever escape retribution for his evil deeds. It is heaven's law that good will be rewarded with good and evil will meet with retribution.

I hereby suggest:

Every time there is an incident of persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners, we should use all possible means to investigate the people responsible, and cooperate with the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong and other international human rights organizations to issue public requests to investigate those who cruelly persecute Falun Dafa practitioners as well as the individuals and work units that instigated them to do so.

We should list their crimes publicly, and warn them that the international community will use all possible means to let their family members, fellow workers and friends know about their wrongdoings, and that their wrongdoings will be reported to relevant authorities. At the same time, the Minghui and Clearwisdom websites, The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong, the (Chinese language) Fawanghuihui website and others will keep a detailed record.

After the investigation request is issued, we should make phone calls and send faxes to trace and investigate.

Special email boxes, phone and fax numbers should be set up, asking Falun Dafa practitioners in China and righteous people to provide the contact information of the evil people's relatives, fellow workers and friends.

Clearwisdom and Minghui may consider publishing some investigation notices. Once the investigation notice is published, it is like a flag that has been erected. Wherever it points is where Falun Dafa practitioners' righteous thoughts will concentrate. Phone, fax, internet and all kinds of other methods should be utilized to expose the evil on a large scale.

Let us expose the evil people and their evil doings so that they have no escape.

July 13, 2003