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Solemn Announcement from Someone Who Had Not Previously Practiced Falun Gong

Aug. 14, 2003

July 29, 2003


Around March or April 2001, I did something I will regret for the rest of my life. The school where I work forced every teacher to sign their names on a white piece of fabric covered with anti-Falun Gong slogans. After this incident, I felt I had done a bad thing.

Although I do not practice Falun Gong, my parents and my sister are Falun Gong practitioners. They benefited tremendously both physically and mentally after they began the practice. Therefore I know in the depths of my heart that Falun Gong has brought renewed life and hope to my whole family.

Hereby I solemnly announce that my signature on that cloth covered with slanderous propaganda is void. From now on, I too will practice Falun Gong.

Lu Suping