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Being Beaten and Exposed to Freezing Conditions in Snowy and Windy Weather -- A Practitioner Recounts Her Experiences (Part 1)

Aug. 15, 2003 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a Falun Gong practitioner. I went to Tiananmen Square to validate Dafa. When I unfolded my truth-clarification banner, several policemen ran over to me. They punched and kicked me for a while, then fiercely hit and shocked my head with electric batons, and later dragged me into a police van. One policeman grabbed me by my coat and pulled my hands behind my back, while another policeman stepped with one foot on my head, face, or neck. I was knocked down. My nose touched the ground and I could hardly breathe. I shouted, "Falun Dafa is good," and they shocked my head with electric batons again. I lost consciousness. When I came to, they were pulling me off the police van and put me into a jail cell in a building near Tiananmen Square, where several dozen detained Dafa practitioners were already assembled. Some of them were women holding their children. The women had blood all over their faces. Some were young and had injured arms. Some were in their 80's; some were mere teens. Even under this circumstance, they still recited the Fa together and clarified the facts about the persecution to the police.

Later we were transferred to a detention center, where the cells were tiny and we had no blankets. The temperature outside was below -20oC [ -4 0F]. The sleeping area was covered with ice, and the cold wind made people shiver. We had not slept and eaten for several days. Seeing that we were all on a hunger strike, the police pulled me outside and exposed me to the freezing weather. This was my first time being exposed to the freezing weather. The ground was covered with ice and snow over a foot thick. It was snowing and the wind was very cold. The police made me stay outside for half a day and then dragged me inside. They made me stand with my back touching a wall. They violently kicked me on my stomach area with their leather boots, leaving my stool bloody for several days. The wounds on my abdomen could be clearly seen, even several months later. Next came the force-feeding. They pushed me down to the ground, put a hard object under my back, stepped on my body and legs, held my hands behind my back, and then used a metal bar to pry my mouth open to do the force-feeding. After force-feeding me they shocked my head, face, and other areas of my body with electric batons. After all these torments, seeing that they could not come up with a way for me to give in, they dragged me back to the cell.

Two days later came the second round of even more brutal torture, by exposing the practitioners to the freezing weather. By offering them some bribes, the police instigated female drug addict prisoners to take practitioners from our cell into a narrow and long passageway covered with ice and snow. The icicles there were over one foot long, and hung all along the eaves in the passageway. The icy wind turned the practitioners' skin blue. There were old ladies in their seventies among us as well as young girls. Some girls had their menses and the discharge showed on their clothing, but the drug addicts completely ignored this. They took off our clothes, shoes, and stockings, and made us stand barefoot on the snow, while at the same time we had to bend our bodies and legs. They would lash us with leather straps if we slightly disobeyed them. Under our feet, the ice covering the ground was over one foot thick. It was snowing and a strong wind was howling. They pushed an old lady in her 70's to the edge of an open sewer, which was over one meter in diameter. They kept beating and pushing her and almost made her fall down into the sewage pit.

After torturing us for over two hours, the drug addicts could no longer bear the cold themselves, even though they were wearing leather coats, shoes and hats. Only then did they let us go back inside. What came next was shocking us with electric batons, followed by force-feeding. During force-feeding, they made the practitioner lie down, and then inserted a thick plastic tube, over three feet long, into the practitioner's stomach down the throat. Their throats bled and the practitioners suffered terribly. After another two hours of torture, we were all exhausted. Our bodies were trembling, and so were our jaws. After seven to eight days of being on a hunger strike, of sleep deprivation and inhuman, severe torture, I had no energy to speak. My body was disfigured, and my heart beat excessively fast. The police was afraid to take the responsibility for my death, so they released me.

I am an old lady. To protect the dignity of Dafa and re-establish the innocence of Master, I said something from the bottom of my heart. Because of this, they brutally tortured me.

This is my personal experience. I spoke out to let all kind people know the truth about this vicious persecution.

(To be continued)