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Practitioners Appeal During Chinese Foreign Minister's Visit to Japan: Stop Persecuting Yoko Kaneko (Photo)

Aug. 15, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Upon hearing about the news that the Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing would be visiting Japan from August 10 to August 13, the Japanese Falun Dafa Association sent a letter to the Japanese Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi on August 8 to call for the rescue of Yoko Kaneko. As soon as Li Zhaoxing arrived at the Narita Airport, some Dafa practitioners began sending righteous thoughts in close proximity, and at the same time, some other practitioners came to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to appeal, requesting the Japanese Foreign Minister to officially ask the Chinese Foreign Minister to release the wife of a Japanese citizen and Falun Gong practitioner Yoko Kaneko, illegally detained in China for over a year, and to immediately stop the brutal persecution of Falun Gong. The appeal continued until Li Zhaoxing leaves Japan on August 13.

Handing out Dafa truth-clarifying materials outside the Congressmen's Assembly Hall

Dafa practitioners kept righteous thoughts all the time, and took every opportunity to hand out Dafa truth-clarifying materials in the places where Li Zhaoxing visited. The practitioners stood peacefully and held banners, to display the goodness of Falun Dafa and clarify the facts of the persecution to the Japanese people.

The meeting between Li and the Japanese Foreign Minister was taking place in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Dafa practitioners stood outside, holding banners and sending forth righteous thoughts. Some practitioners held banners stating, "Stop the persecution of Falun Gong," and "Immediately release Yoko Kaneko" on the road where Li's motorcade would pass on the way to Prime Minister Koizumi 's mansion. The practitioners also held a press conference at the Japanese Foreign Correspondents' Club where many reporters from the local media, and other media organizations around the world came to cover the activity.