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USA: "Car Tour for Rescuing Charles Li Around the US" Sets Out from San Francisco (Photos)

Aug. 15, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) A month-long "Car Tour Around the US to Rescue Charles Li" set out on August 13, 2003 from the San Francisco City Hall. The goal of the car tour is to rescue American citizen and Falun Gong practitioner Charles Li who has been illegally detained by the Chinese authorities, and at the same time to thoroughly clarify the truth about the persecution to the local government, the media and people from all social strata. It is hoped to raise their awareness of the Chinese government's irrational detention of American citizen Charles Li, and help secure his safe return to America soon.

Participant in the Car Tour being interviewed The car set out

At 11:00 a.m., Bay Area Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference in front of the City Hall of San Francisco. One of the participants announced that, "The car tour is an around-the-US activity. We'll go through many states in the west of the US, our goal is to expose the persecution that is currently unfolding in China, and request the American government officials and the American people to extend their help for the rescue of Charles Li. We'll continue our efforts until the Chinese government releases Charles Li."

The participant also said, "Other than Charles Li, several dozen American residents' family members and relatives are being detained and subject to torment in Chinese forced labor camps for practicing Falun Gong. Practitioners have indeed suffered from torture in the Chinese Labor Camps. The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China is indeed grim. We will try to visit as many cities as possible, to collect signatures from the government officials and the American people who want to show their support for us. We will take the signatures to Washington."

California Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey and Berkeley City Councilor sent letters to express their support.