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My Experiences Clarifying the Truth in Chat Rooms

Aug. 16, 2003

31 July 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) There are many ways to clarify the truth during the Fa-rectification period, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Clarifying the truth in a chat room is a good way that allows you to clarify the truth in depth.

When I first started to clarify the truth in chat rooms, I was not patient and wanted to get directly to the subject to clarify the truth as quickly as I could. The effect was not good when I rushed. I adjusted my mentality later, and the results were much better.

After entering a chat room now, I normally like to have a small talk first, instead of clarifying the truth immediately. I put my righteous belief into the small talk so that everyday people in the chat room can feel that I am righteous. I would then find an opportunity to talk about Dafa. It seemed that I was chatting with them, and mentioned Falun Gong naturally. I also talked about Falun Gong as if I were a third party. Quite often, when I introduced myself, I would tell the other party in the chat room that I am in Korea. Then he/she would ask about the experiences of living abroad. I told him/her that the old Chinese traditions and culture were preserved well in Korea, and I was ashamed that I had to learn our own culture from other people. Naturally, the other party would say that the good Chinese traditions were regularly trampled in China. Then, I would say jokingly that many people in other countries are learning things that Chinese are criticizing, such as Falun Dafa, and I would introduce the fact that Falun Dafa is spreading over the entire world. The other party was surprised, curious, and off guard. In most cases, they would ask what's going on with Falun Dafa. When asked about my job, I also told them that I teach at Minghui School. They were all respectful when they heard that I am a volunteer and teach there for free. Some people would say directly, "You deserve to be respected." Just like telling them an ordinary piece of news, I told them, "Jiang Zemin is being sued overseas for genocide and other crimes, you didn't know that? The whole world knows about it." However, I told them this piece of news after I clarified the truth to them for a while. If I said it in the beginning, they would believe that I was trying to intentionally reveal some bad things. In general, when seeking the right opportunity, you will find that there are many chances to clarify the truth calmly.

I also wrote scripts about fellow practitioners' stories and kept them with me when I was in chat rooms in case I needed to use them. Those short stories shocked them deeply. I would try my best to make the story as vivid as possible so that they could feel it. I told them that the characters in the story were my friends and asked them if they would be moved if they were me. Some of them would say they were moved. I found that they all had some changes after listening to the stories.

Some of them had a lot of doubts and I needed more than one time in the chat room to clarify the truth to them. In this situation, I would try to be friends with them, and not try to convince them right away. I talked with them as a friend, and added my thoughts to the conversation to help them to eliminate their doubts. They would ask me questions when they were not sure. After a few times, their doubts were all gone. I met a few people like this in the chat room. There was a young man who I chatted with for a few times. When I began to inform him that I am a Falun Gong practitioner, he told me, "Please do not tell me you are a Falun Gong practitioner." He didn't talk with me for quite a while after he got the confirmation. He now not only knows the truth, but also clarifies the truth to his friends and family. He often asks me for advice when he meets difficult issues, and asks his friends who do not understand Dafa to talk with me directly. He wants to know how to handle conflicts as a Dafa disciple when he is in a difficult situation.

My experience is: Do not rush! This is the best approach if you want to clarify the truth in depth and in detail.

The above are my experiences. Please kindly tell me if there is anything that is not correct.