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Dafa Practitioners' Righteous Thoughts and Actions Prevail against Persecution

Aug. 16, 2003


Story One

A young Falun Dafa practitioner in Northern China went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to validate the Fa [Law and principles] by shouting, "Falun Dafa is good." He suffered cruel persecution and was sentenced for two years of forced labor. The vicious policemen there who have lost their humanity used electric batons to shock every steadfast practitioner who persisted in cultivating Dafa. Fellow practitioners' blood curdling screams broke people's hearts. Under such high pressure, some practitioners had written, against their will, the so called "Five Statements"* including a "Repentance Statement," a "Guarantee Statement," and a "Dissociation Statement." All these had not moved this young practitioner's heart. When inmates struck his vital parts with electric batons and waited to hear him scream, this young practitioner maintained his Xinxing [the nature of the mind or heart, moral character] and did not show any fear. From his appearance, he seemed to have no reaction whatsoever. His righteous demeanor and his supernormal manifestation made the evil perpetrators very scared. Since then the evil perpetrators were at their wits end and dared not to torture the young practitioner with electric batons anymore. The inmates admired and respected him very much, saying that they would practice Falun Dafa when they were released from jail. We ask our fellow practitioners to send forth righteous thought to strengthen this practitioner so that he can walk out of prison.

* "The Five Statements" include statements to acknowledge remorse for practicing Falun Gong, to give up Falun Gong, and to never again associate with people who practice Falun Gong and or go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong.

Story Two

A female practitioner who is over 50 years old once made a mistake under intense pressure. However, when she realized the mistake she had made, she picked herself up instantly and continued to do what a Falun Dafa practitioner should do. The following is part of her experience.

On March 2, 2003 several policemen broke into her home and dragged her to the police substation. When the policemen tried to extort a confession from her she enlightened that she could not cooperate with the police, and refused to answer any questions. The policemen then sent her to solitary confinement. On March 5 she was shifted to another room and the policemen began to violently interrogate her in order to extort a confession and force her to sign a statement. She refused to sign the paper and was therefore forcefully taken to a detention center together with four other practitioners. The policemen severely tortured her and deprived her of sleep for four consecutive days and nights. Later on, the policemen changed their tactics from hard to soft. Having fallen into a state of confusion, she gave in and cooperated with their demands for information. As a result, several Falun Dafa practitioners were arrested and suffered severe torture. When she became clearheaded, she said to her fellow practitioners with tears in her eyes, "It's my fault that I failed to withstand the policemen's hard and soft tactics, which caused many other Dafa practitioners to suffer all these hardships." However, no one blamed her.

In the detention center the prison guards forced the Falun Dafa practitioners to wear the prison uniforms. At the beginning she thought it was nothing but a formality so she agreed with one condition: that she would be allowed to practice the exercises. Later she realized that it was wrong for her to wear the prison uniform. Dafa is very serious. It is a disgrace to trade wearing the prison uniform for practicing the exercises and she should never do that.

On the following day when the prison guards asked her to wear the prison uniform, she said resolutely, "I have committed no crime, so why should I wear a prison uniform?" She was then dragged by the vicious policemen to the courtyard to stand in the biting cold weather together with three other practitioners. They all sat down and did the sitting meditation. The policemen withheld their dinner and locked them in a dark room. Then the four of them recited the Fa. This female practitioner tried to break the handcuffs with her fingers and the handcuffs came off. She found some stools and then they sat down to recite the Fa. A while later, the head of the detention center came and opened the handcuffs for these steadfast Falun Dafa practitioners.

This female practitioner kept sending forth righteous thought every day at the detention center to eliminate the evil persecution against Dafa practitioners. A few days later she showed signs of illness and the policemen phoned her children to pick her up. She saw through the old forces arrangement and returned home with her righteous thought and righteous action.

From her experience she realized that a practitioner of true cultivation must do things according to the teachings of our Teacher, because this is to directly deny the old force's arrangements and make the evil terrified.