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Maintain Righteous Thoughts, Completely Refuse to Cooperate with the Evil

Aug. 16, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) In a certain region in Mainland China, the situation concerning Dafa appears to be very different in the city compared to the surrounding rural region. Whenever the authorities have to arrest a certain number of practitioners to meet their quota, they always do so in the rural region and don't dare to casually do anything against Dafa disciples in the city. When we search for reasons why this happens, we find that most of the Dafa disciples in the city are able to study the Fa carefully and are mostly able to completely refuse to cooperate with the evil. On the other hand, some fellow practitioners in the rural area feel that they have to show "neighborly courtesy" when the police go to their homes to arrest them and are unable to oppose the evil completely. Some practitioners don't have clear understandings of the Fa principles and are afraid to anger the evildoers. They don't dare to not cooperate with the persecutors and greet them with smiles on their faces. They comply with every demand that they make. Some even silently allow their family members to use everyday people's methods to "rescue" them. For example, they allow their family members to bribe the police so that they won't be sent to forced labor camps. As a result, the police treat arresting Falun Gong practitioners in the rural region as an easy assignment. This is especially true for those practitioners whose families have bribed the evildoers previously. They always try to find excuses to harass them and treat it as a way to make money for themselves.

After leaving Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in an upright and dignified manner with her righteous thoughts, a fellow practitioner in our region was arrested on several occasions. She refused to cooperate with the evil each time. The Masanjia Forced Labor Camp doesn't dare take her back anymore. Her family members also refuse to give the people extorting them even a single penny. Each time, the police station had no choice but to drive her home in a police car. Because of this, the police now feel that harassing her is a "money-losing proposition." They not only expend a lot of effort, they also end up not getting any money out of it. They think of her as a headache and don't want to have anything to do with her. Her example warrants careful consideration on the part of each and every single Dafa practitioner.

Of course, being able to maintain steadfast righteous thoughts and completely refusing to cooperate with the evil isn't something that can be accomplished using human techniques. It is the product of cultivation over a long period of time. Therefore we should do the following on a consistent basis: listen to Master's words, study the Fa more, send righteous thoughts more (just as many fellow practitioners have already been doing: sending righteous thoughts at the top of the hour whenever possible), communicate with fellow practitioners more often, read articles on Clearwisdom net carefully, truly understand the requirements that Fa-rectification has on Dafa disciples, and follow the Fa-rectification progress of Master closely.

The above are my personal understandings. Please kindly point out to me if you see anything incorrect.