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Police Brutally Beat Female Elderly Dafa Practitioner at Yueyang County's National Security Division and Detention Center, Hunan Province

Aug. 16, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) August 6th report: Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Ping, 56 years old, lived in Chengguan Town, Yueyang County, Hunan Province. In May 2003, police officers from Pingjiang County Police Department abducted her as she distributed truth clarification materials. They detained her at the Pingjiang County Detention Center for nearly two months. During the detention period she was brutally tortured by Guo Shengxiang, head of Yueyang County's National Security Division and also by Yu Deming from the county detention center, among other thugs. The brutal torture took a heavy toll on her health and she has not recovered even now.

On May 23, 2003, four thugs led by Guo Shengxiang interrogated Wang Ping. Guo Shengxiang grabbed her hair and slammed her head into a wall for nearly ten minutes, while the other thugs beat and kicked her. Right away Wang's head was covered with lumps and her eye sockets turned black. Even after a week, the scars and lumps were still there.

One day, Yu Deming, an officer at the detention center saw Wang Ping talking to another practitioner, Tang Fengying. He cursed at the two elderly women and ordered them to stand up. Wang Ping and Tang Fengying resisted the order and refused to stand up. The furious Yu Deming, together with three inmates barged into the female division and brutally beat Wang Ping. They hit her all over with their fists, shoes and other things so brutally that Wang Ping vomited blood. Her whole body turned black and blue and her ears were temporarily deaf. In fact, she didn't recover her hearing until more than one month later. After the brutal beating, Yu Deming put Wang Ping in handcuffs and heavy shackles that are usually used for criminals on death row. He strutted through the divisions and claimed, "I'll cuff Wang Ping for a week. If she doesn't obey me, "I'll put another one on her until she's dead."

During the two months of detention, perpetrators Guo Shengxiang and Yu Deming tortured Wang Ping until she was on the verge of death. Right now, she is suffering from whole-body edema and is extremely weak. It was learned that police officer Guo Shengxiang has persecuted other practitioners as well.