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Latest News From China - 08/09/2003

Aug. 16, 2003


  1. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Cruel Torture used to Extort Confession from Liu Yanchun, a Policewoman from the Heizuizhi Female Forced Labor Camp and a Falun Gong Practitioner
  2. [Beijing City] Brainwashing Session Planned
  3. [Laiwu City, Shandong Province] Shandong Laigang Steel Group Arrests Employee Ren Xiuying
  4. [Laiwu City, Shandong Province] Weifang Practitioner Wang Shujian Detained in Forced Labor Camp
  5. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Police in Jianchang County Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners
  6. [Hengyang City, Hunan Province] Senior Falun Dafa Practitioner Fan Maixiu Repeatedly Arrested & Beaten
  7. [Changyi City, Shandong Province] Police from the Taibaozhuang Police Substation Illegally Search Falun Dafa Practitioners' Homes
  8. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Song Meilan Detained in the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City
  9. [Quzhou County, Hebei Province] Police Illegally Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners and Their Family Members
  10. [Beijing City] Falun Dafa Practitioner Liu Xiuyun Detained
  11. [Wusong County, Jilin Province] Police from the Xianrenqiao Police Substation Illegally Search for Truth-clarifying Materials
  12. [Wifang City, Shandong Province] Young Man Nearly Frozen to Death for Defending a Falun Dafa Practitioner Against Injustice
  13. [Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested
  14. [Hui County, Henan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Shen Cuiying Tortured until Paralyzed
  15. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Dong Yushui and Zhao Aili Illegally Arrested
  16. [China] The CCTV Education Channel 3 Broadcasts TV Series Defaming Falun Dafa at 8:30 am Every Day
  17. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Criminal Records of Pu Xuan & Fu Jingjiu, Directors of the No.1 Department of the Changchun Public Security Bureau

[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Cruel Torture used to Extort Confession from Liu Yanchun, a Policewoman from the Heizuizhi Female Forced Labor Camp and a Falun Gong Practitioner

Liu Chunyan is a policewoman from the Heizuizhi Female Forced Labor Camp. She is a Falun Gong practitioner as well. She was exposed while posting truth-clarifying materials and arrested on April 9, 2003.

According to reliable sources, Liu Chunyan was seriously injured from beatings. She is unable to take care of her basic needs: eating, dressing, or using the toilet, as she is unable to raise her arms. The police hired someone to take care of her. More than ten other Falun Gong practitioners detained in the Heizuizhi Forced Labor Camp were also subject to torture and interrogation. Their homes were searched.

[Beijing City] Brainwashing Session Planned

It was reported that the "610 Office" at the Neighborhood Committee Office of Wanshou Road in Beijing is secretly arresting Falun Dafa practitioners in an attempt to hold a brainwashing session.

Relevant people and working units:

The Neighborhood Committee Office of Wanshou Road, 86-10-68273748

Yang Guang, Party Secretary

Ding Zhiming, director, 86-10-68274223

Jia Linna, head of the "610 Office"

The "610 Office" at the Neighborhood Committee Office of Wanshou Road, 86-10-68271341 (phone & fax)

[Laiwu City, Shandong Province] Shandong Laigang Steel Group Arrests Employee Ren Xiuying

Falun Dafa practitioner Ren Xiuying is an employee of the Commercial Company of Shandong Laigang Steel Group. To avoid persecution and illegal detention, she had become destitute and homeless for nearly three years. Recently, authorities from Laigang Steel Group deceived her husband and daughter by saying that they would restore her work position and other benefits if she returned. She returned home, and the Laigang Steel Group illegally arrested her on August 1. They sent her to the "Shandong Legal Training Center", which is actually the Wangcun Brainwashing Center. Ren Xiuying's current situation is unknown.

[Laiwu City, Shandong Province] Weifang Practitioner Wang Shujian Detained in Forced Labor Camp

Wang Shujian was at work (the Laicheng construction site of Shandong Dianjian No.3 Company) when he was illegally arrested on the evening of March 19. After two days' detention and interrogation at Laiwu Project Department Hotel, he was taken away by Laiwu policemen. Nothing more was heard until recent reports that he is being detained in the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp, and had been sentenced to forced labor long ago.

[Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Police in Jianchang County Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners

On the afternoon of August 7, 2003, police from South Jianchang Police Substation arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Ma Baolai (around 50 years old). It is currently unknown where he is being detained. On the morning of the same day, police from North Jianchang Police Substation broke into the homes of Falun Dafa practitioners Jiang Zhenxue and Hui Shuchun and asked them whether they were still practicing Falun Gong. When the police came back in the afternoon to arrest them, the two practitioners had left their homes.

Relevant phone numbers:

Li Shuxia, director of the Politics & Security Section, 86-429-7123021 (home)

The "610 Office" in Jianchang County, 86-429-7123434

Zhong Jixiang, head of the "610 Office" in Jianchang County, 86-429-7122466 (home)

[Hengyang City, Hunan Province] Senior Falun Dafa Practitioner Fan Maixiu Repeatedly Arrested & Beaten

In June, 61-year-old Fan Maixiu was arrested for the second time while exposing the lies of Jiang's Criminal Group and clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa. She was subject to brutal beatings. Since she began practicing Falun Gong, Fan has been free from illness and not spent one penny of the state's money on medical treatment.

[Changyi City, Shandong Province] Police from the Taibaozhuang Police Substation Illegally Search Falun Dafa Practitioners' Homes

On June 13, policemen from the Taibaozhuang Police Substation, including Duan Qingguo, visited Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Yucheng's home in Xishu Village. They arrested him and discovered his house key in a body search. They went back later and stole US$1500 from a drawer in his home. The policemen's violation of the law has caused much distrust among people in nearby villages.

Phone number of the Taibaozhuang Police Substation: 86-536-7732017

[Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Song Meilan Detained in the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City

On March 2, 2003, police from Huanyanglu Police Substation went to Falun Dafa practitioner Song Meilan's home, claiming they needed to ask her some questions at the police substation. Deceived, she was taken to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp while suffering from high blood pressure. Song's husband went to the police substation to ask what crimes his wife had committed. The police replied, "She didn't commit any crimes. We're just required by higher authorities to arrest her."

[Quzhou County, Hebei Province] Police Illegally Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners and Their Family Members

At 10:00 pm on July 1, 2003, Falun Dafa practitioners Zhang Fengling and Zhao Gaiqin, a couple from Quzhou County, were arrested. They are being detained in the Quzhou Detention Center. Their son Zhang Haibo, a non-practitioner, was also arrested the following day at noon.

Parties responsible for the persecution include the Quzhou Public Security Bureau and the Houchun Police Substation.

Phone number of the Houchun Police Substation: 86-310-8798330

Niu Mingtang, director of the Houchun Police Substation: 86-310-8891776 (home)

[Beijing City] Falun Dafa Practitioner Liu Xiuyun Detained

On July 12, 2003, Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Xiuyun was distributing truth-clarifying materials at Xinzhongxili, Baizhifang of Xuanwu District of Beijing City. Deceived by the lies of Jiang's Regime, local residents forced her into nearby restaurant, where they exposed her actions to the police substation. She is detained at an unknown location.

[Wusong County, Jilin Province] Police from the Xianrenqiao Police Substation Illegally Search for Truth-clarifying Materials

Police from the Xianrenqiao Police Substation have begun searching pedestrians for truth-clarifying materials every day after 8:00 pm. They have arrested three practitioners involved in truth-clarification of Falun Dafa.

[Wifang City, Shandong Province] Young Man Nearly Frozen to Death for Defending a Falun Dafa Practitioner Against Injustice

In Shuangtai Township of Weifang City on February 5, 2000, a young man was bicycling home when he saw people from the local government go to a Falun Dafa practitioner's home to abduct him. The young man said, "Let him be if he wants to practice. Why do you abduct him during the Spring Festival?" For these words, he was stripped of his jacket and handcuffed to a tree. When it got dark and the young man didn't return home, his father worried that he had had an accident, and went to look for him along the route home. When his father found him cuffed to the tree, the young man cried, "If you had come a bit later, I would have frozen to death."

[Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Lu Jinhua and some other Falun Dafa practitioners were illegally arrested. They've been detained for over ten days in Ningbo Detention Center. The Ningbo Public Security Bureau is responsible for the persecution.

Operator of the Ningbo Public Security Bureau: 86-574-87062000 Ext. the Politics & Law Office

Phone number of the Ningbo Detention Center: 86-574-87119289

[Hui County, Henan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Shen Cuiying Tortured until Paralyzed

On the morning of May 20, 2003, a group of policemen led by Han Shiqing, director of the Nanzhai Police Substation in Hui County, broke into Falun Dafa practitioner Shen Cuiying's home at Houdi Village of Nanzhai Township, in an attempt to arrest her. Shen Cuiying would not cooperate and was pushed by over a dozen policemen until she fell into a deep pool (about 15 feet). She was sent to the hospital right away, but still became paralyzed in her legs. At the time of the accident, the local police substation promised to cover 4000 Yuan of the medical expenses, but later it was flatly denied.

Phone number of relevant people and parties:

The Nanzhai Police Substation: 86-373--6793123

The Houdi Village Committee: 86-373--6793478

The Public Security Bureau in Hui County: 86-373-6270310

The Judicial Bureau in Hui County: 86-373-6292437

Gai Yujing, director of the Public Security Bureau in Hui County: 86-373--6295079 (office), 86-373--5012880 (home), 86-13603738266 (cell)

Qin Baoming, Political Instructor of the Public Security Bureau in Hui County: 86-373--6288556 (office), 86-373--6291880 (home), 86-13903733866 (cell)

Liu Pengjian, vice director of the Public Security Bureau in Hui County: 86-373--6289842 (office), 86-373--2025268 (home), 86-13803738076 (cell)

Hou Shehui, director of the Politics & Security Section of the Public Security Bureau: 86-13937343996

[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Dong Yushui and Zhao Aili Illegally Arrested

Falun Dafa practitioners Dong Yushui and his wife Zhao Aili, from the Ganjingzi District of Dalian City, were arrested during the Asia-Europe Conference. Police broke into their home and confiscated their Dafa books, computer and printer. Family members later discovered that 2300-Yuan cash, ID cards, Health Certificate, etc. were also taken in the search. The police left no receipt for the confiscated items.

[China] The CCTV Education Channel 3 Broadcasts TV Series Defaming Falun Dafa at 8:30 am Every Day

[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Criminal Records of Pu Xuan & Fu Jingjiu, Directors of the No.1 Department of the Changchun Public Security Bureau

Pu Xuan and Fu Qingjiu brutally torture Falun Gong practitioners. They kick practitioners with heavy boots, slap them and pierce their fingertips with pens and screwdriversdriver. Pu Xuan even threatened to throw Falun Gong practitioners out the seventh story windows.