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Little Story in Printing Truth-Clarification Literature (Photos)

Aug. 17, 2003 |   By A Dafa Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net August 16, 2003) Today a fellow practitioner and I printed pictures for spreading Dafa, but the color print looked not so ideal. We thought it was because of the color ink's uneven proportion and decided to use the ink for printing on the reverse side instead of throwing it away.

Before studying Dafa books
After studying Dafa books
    • Dynamic web brings you into a peaceful, serene and graceful world
    • What is the real meaning of life?
    • Dynamic web accompanies you in your search!

After my fellow practitioner left, I thought it over while working: the computer and printer in front of me are also living beings, I should spread the Fa to them and explain the facts to them. Thus, I said to them, "Whatever life being you are and whatever arrangement old forces did for you, you can deny their arrangement to you because today you are with Dafa practitioner and do work for clarifying the truth. Let's study Dafa books."

After we studied the Dafa books, I started printing again. The pictures printed from the printer were especially vivid and there was no ink out-of-proportion problem.

Looking at the pictures before and after studying Dafa books, tears came to my eyes.