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Hunan Province: Hengyang City's "610 Office" Intensifies Persecution of Dafa Practitioners

Aug. 17, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Since July 20, 1999, when the government started to persecute Falun Gong, many Dafa practitioners from Nanyue District in Hengyang City went to Beijing to appeal. Many were arrested and persecuted. Just because she showed determination in her own belief, Dafa practitioner Ms. Wen Xiaoping was sent to Zhuzhou City's Baimalong Detention Center. Practitioner Ms. Liu Yuzhen's family members who were deceived by the government's lies sent her to a mental hospital. Both of the practitioners remained in detention until May or June 2003.

After Wen Xiaoping returned home, the Nanyue District's "610 Office" kept surveillance at her residence. One day in late June or early July 2003, when Wen Xiaoping and Ms. Yang Yueping were distributing flyers to clarify the truth, someone tipped the "610 Office" off about this. The "610 Office" confiscated their flyers and arrested them. Some deceived people also turned in the flyers they had received. To encourage reporting on Falun Gong, the "610 Office" posted a 500 Yuan reward to information leading to a practitioner's arrest. They also increased their effort to monitor Falun Gong practitioners and to search for the sources of flyers. The "610 Office" searched Wen Xiaoping's home and found some Falun Gong books and flyers. Later, Hengshan County's "610 Office" arrested Wen Xiaping and took away all of the flyers. Now, Ms. Wen Xiaoping is on a hunger strike at a detention center. Her situation is very critical.

Near the July 20 anniversary, personnel from the Nanyue District's "610 Office" were harassing Falun Gong practitioners at their homes. They are forcing every practitioner to put their fingerprint on a "Stop Practice" document.