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National Rescue Charles Li Month

Aug. 17, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) It has been eight months since Charles was arrested in January 2003. The arrestment, the sentence, and the torture of Charles reflects the escalation of the overall persecution of Falun Gong and practitioners that was started in July 1999 by Jiang Zemin's regime. Exposing the evilness, rescuing Charles, and clarifying the facts of Falun Gong to the international community is a critical mission for all Falun Gong practitioners in America.

As members of "Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioner" in America, we must devote ourselves to take the historical mission of rescuing Charles. We must apply our greatest wisdom to wake up the public to respect and support freedom of belief, suffocate the evil and completely deny the old forces' arrangements with our long lasting courage.

Because of the mission, the North American global rescue team designed and organized the "Activity of Rescuing Charles Lee Month" that used the concept of the "blooming the flowers everywhere" activity which occurred during the "2003 Washington Falun Dafa Conference." "National Van Tour for Rescuing Charles" is the backbone of the "Activity of Rescuing Charles Lee Month" and it will raise public awareness. Local practitioners can apply their local abilities to collaborate with the "Activity of Rescuing Charles Lee Month" to clarify the Dafa truth to local governments, media, and people from all levels of society; this is to save sentiment beings.

The "Activity of Rescuing Charles Lee Month" will start on August 13, 2003 and end on September 13, 2003. The national van tour will start on August 13 from California, crossing major and minor cities and counties in America. While on the road, practitioners on the tour will stop at cities to collect signatures, accept media interviews and visit local government offices. The collected signatures and media reports will be presented to the officials dealing with Charles' case from the Department of State at a formal press conference in Washington DC to express American citizens and practitioners concern for Charles Li. We hope the U.S. government will be able to successfully help rescue Charles out from prison and condemn Jiang's regime persecution of Falun Gong and practitioners.