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Public Condemnation Frightens the "610 Office"

Aug. 17, 2003

[Clearwisdom Net]

[Note: The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.]

Jiang created the "610 Office" to persecute Falun Gong. On July 20, 2003, members of the "610 Office" went to keep an eye on large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners.

The associate director of the local "610 Office," Li, and three of his assistants, came to see one practitioner. Li claimed, "We are here to look after you," and demanded that the practitioner not leave town. The practitioner replied, "Can your looking after me solve my problems? My parents are sick and my child goes to school, but I have no income. You fined me about ten thousand Yuan and didn't even give me a receipt. What law did I violate?" Fearing that people walking nearby would hear their conversation, Li and his assistants asked him to lower his voice, but the practitioner didn't cooperate. He said loudly, "I am going to Beijing tomorrow to see if you have any lawful basis for your fining without giving a receipt."

The people nearby crowded around. When they heard that the practitioner was fined, and sentenced to forced labor camp for practicing Falun Gong, they pointed out, "The '610 Office' is breaking the law!" Upon hearing the voices of condemnation, Li and others left in fear.