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Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yaping in Critical Condition After Persecution by Shenyang City Police in Liaoning Province

Aug. 24, 2003

Ms. Zhang Yaping is a 52 year old Dafa practitioner from Shenyang City in Liaoning Province. On July 14, 2003, she was arrested, along with a fellow practitioner by the Public Security officers of the Shenhe District in Shenyang City. They were subsequently confined at Shenyang City Detention Center. The police wanted to send her to Dabei Jail in Shenyang City.

Zhang Yaping commenced a hunger strike, starting on July 29, 2003 in protest. Around August 13, the police notified her family members to go to Dabei Jail Hospital in Shenyang City to pick her up. Zhang Yaping's family saw that she was unconscious and her body was twitching. On August 13, the family members sent her to Shenyang University Number Two Hospital affiliated with Shenyang University for emergency treatment. There was no reaction from her when she was administered fluids. Currently, she is still in the Hospital Emergency Consultation Ward undergoing treatment.

It is hoped that fellow practitioners who receive this information will combine their efforts to send forth righteous thoughts. Together we can eliminate all the evil arrangements of the old forces and assist Zhang Yaping in her early recovery and her return to the mighty torrent of Fa-rectification.

(Note: Zhang Yaping was arrested in 2001 because she made truth clarification materials and was sentenced to seven years in prison. At the end of 2001, she got out of the detention center through hunger striking and righteous thoughts.)