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Latest News from China - 08/14/2003

Aug. 25, 2003


[Beijing City] Six Falun Dafa Practitioners Illegally Sentenced to Prison

Six Falun Dafa practitioners were sentenced to prison recently for making truth-clarifying materials. The practitioners and their sentences are as follows: Mr. Huang Jian, twelve years in prison; Mr. Li Kai, eleven years; Mr. Ma Jing, eleven and a half years, Mr. Wei Shijun, eleven and a half years; Ms. Sun Jingping, seven years; Ms. Wang Guiqing, eight years. The practitioners did not accept the sentences and have lodged an appeal. According to Tang Lun, Presiding Judge of Criminal Hall One of the Beijing Intermediate Court, it takes at least two or three months before the Supreme Court makes its final decision.

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Inside Story of the Zhang Hua "Murder Case"

Zhuang Hua is a farmer from Longwang Village of Caidian District in Wuhan City. He owed his uncle, Mr. Bao, owner of a construction company, a large sum of money for a long time and was unwilling to pay back the debt. On May 11, 2002, when Bao was pressing Zhang Hua for his money, they had a dispute and fought with each other. In order to get rid of the debt, Zhang Hua killed his uncle. After the Public Security Bureau arrested him, his parents tried every possible avenue in order not to have their only son sentenced to death. At the time, policemen who were handling the case said, "The only solution is to claim that your son is a Falun Gong practitioner. Then we can deal with it leniently." Later on, Zhang Hua's parents asked a relative living in Wuhan City, "Is that true that the case can be handled leniently if we claim that Zhang Hua practices Falun Gong?" This relative of theirs has a conscience and told them, "Don't be taken in by the police!" Thus, the scheme to shift the blame of a normal criminal murder case to Falun Gong failed. Those policemen lied to the public, saying that they had found Falun Gong books and that Zhang Hua "meditated" and "cited scriptures" in the detention center, so on and so forth.

[Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Quan Peijun and His Family Are Subjected to Persecution

Falun Dafa practitioner Quan Peijun is an employee from the Transportation Department of Changcheng Aluminum Company of China. Two years ago, he was turned in for distributing truth-clarifying materials and explaining the truth of Falun Gong. The "610 Office" at Shangjie District of Zhengzhou City sentenced him to one year in the Baimiao Forced Labor Camp, where he was subjected to all kinds of torture [the "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems]. However, brutality could not shake his firm belief in Dafa. After the completion of his sentence, he was transferred to the "General Law Knowledge School" located in a western suburb of Zhengzhou City. It was actually named the Wanqing Mountain Villa Brainwashing Center. When the Wanqing Mountain Villa was dismissed, Li Guojun, Party Secretary of the Transportation Department Changcheng Aluminum Company of China, refused to accept Quan Peijun back as an employee of the company. Consequently, Quan Peijun was sent back to the Baimiao Forced Labor Camp again. Since he hasn't been home for three years, his three-year-old daughter hasn't met him yet. His wife has always been in poor health and has become incapacitated.

[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Liu Caiwen Detained in the Brainwashing Class Held in Shuangcheng's Communist Party School

On August 11, 2003, Liu Caiwen was deceived by his work unit, the Xinchun Office at Nangang District of Harbin City, and was sent to the brainwashing class held in the Shuangcheng's Communist Party School. Several other Falun Dafa practitioners in the city were also sent to the brainwashing class.

Phone number of Shuangcheng Party School: 86-451-53123719 (principal's office), 86-451-53139258.

Xinchun Office: 86-451-82295909 (Director), 86-451-82295916 (Party Secretary), 86-451-82295910 (office).

[Weifang City, Shandong Province] Vicious Persecution

The Taibaozhuang Police Substation in Changyi Prefecture constructed two metal cages to hold Falun Dafa practitioners.

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Yan Jin, An Engineer from the Wuhan Machine Tool Plant, Is Persecuted in a Brainwashing Class

Yan Jin, 33 years old, is an engineer at the Wuhan Machine Tool Plant. In June 2001, he was sentenced to two years of forced labor for making materials clarifying the truth and exposing the evil persecution. After two years' detention in the Hewan Forced Labor Camp, he was directly transferred to the Etouwan Brainwashing Class in the Shiqiao Kou District in Wuhan City on June 1, 2003. At the brainwashing class, he was subjected to various brutal tortures, including having both hands handcuffed from behind to a window where mosquitoes tormented him, being forced to listen to large amounts of hate propaganda defaming Dafa, and sleep deprivation. However, Yan Jin never yielded to the evil and has remained steadfast in safeguarding Dafa. As of now, he has been detained in the brainwashing class for a month. His situation is not good.

Phone numbers of people involved in the persecution:

The Etouwan Brainwashing Class: 86-27-83253549.

Xie Xiaofeng (female), head of the "610 Office" in the Shiqiao Kou District who supervises the brainwashing class.

Li Wei, monitor of the brainwashing class, and Vice Director of the Baofeng Street Office at Shiqiao Kou District.

[Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Li Liang Detained in a Mental Hospital

In 2000, Li Liang went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. He was detained in a mental hospital for a month until his work unit, the Navy Sanatorium, came to get him.

[Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Practitioners Sun Fengying and Zhang Qingzhi Arrested

Ms. Sun Fengying and Ms. Zhang Qingzhi were arrested while at home on July 18 and July 23, respectively. Their current whereabouts remain unknown.

[Tieling City, Liaoning Province] The Tieling Forced Labor Camp Once Again Aggressively Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners

The Tieling Forced Labor Camp is once again torturing Falun Dafa practitioners in order to coerce them into writing the so-called "Three Statements of Guarantee" [not to practice Falun Gong]. They are applying high pressure to practitioners Guan Yunzhi (male), Yi Guanghui (male) and Wang Wei (male).

[Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Han Delei Is Illegally Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor

In 2002, Ms. Han Delei was sent to the "610 Office" in Qingdao City, where she was subjected to forcible brainwashing. Then she was transferred to Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City for two years of forced labor.

[Weiyuan County, Sichuan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Li Xiangying Is Detained For Over Three Months

On April 27, 2003, the Lianjie Police Substation arrested Li Xiangying under the pretext that she was reported for making and distributing truth-clarifying banners. She has been detained in the Weiyuan Detention Center over three months. The police are detaining her without any legal procedures. This seriously violates a citizen's personal freedom.

Phone numbers of the Weiyuan Public Security Bureau: 86-832-8222087, 86-832-8222879, 86-832-8222089, 86-832-8222979, 86-832-8224014.

Phone number of the Weiyuan Procuratorate (number for reporting on a criminal case): 86-832-8222000

Phone number of the Lianjie Police Substation: 86-832-8822009, 86-832-8834888.

[Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province] Many Falun Dafa Practitioners Sentenced to Prison Terms

Miyi County is a small county within the jurisdiction of Panzhihua City. The authorities there frenziedly persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. At the end of 2002, about 30 practitioners were sentenced to prison terms of three to ten years. Among these practitioners, over ten are male. The majority of them are being jailed in Deyang Prison. Mr. Liao Yuanfu was sentenced to ten years in prison, and Mr. Zhang Guichao, six years. The female practitioners are being jailed in Jianyang and Longquanyi Female Prisons. It is an unprecedented phenomenon among all of the counties in Sichuan Province. More practitioners were sentenced to forced labor camps.

[Fushun City, Liaoning Province] The Chinese Medicine Hospital in Shuncheng District Holds Brainwashing Class

Every two weeks, the Chinese Medicine Hospital in Shuncheng District holds a brainwashing class to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners.

[Yueyang City, Hunan Province] Practitioner Lu Hai Illegally Arrested

Lu Hai was arrested at Yueyang Railway Station while on a truth-clarification trip. Xie Xinguo and An Yong, two security guards on duty, arrested him with the excuse that he had Falun Gong materials with him. Many Falun Dafa practitioners are being detained in the No.1 Detention House in Yueyang City. Phone number of Director Hu of the detention center is 86-13707301343.

[Baoding City, Hebei Province] A Truth-Clarifying Materials Site Sabotaged

In late July of this year, a truth-clarifying materials site was destroyed. One photocopy machine was confiscated and several practitioners were arrested. The arrested practitioners include Ms. Li Lanfang, Ms. Zhang Xirong and Mr. Feng Rui.

[Xi'an City, Shanxi Province] The National Security Team Harasses Falun Dafa Practitioners

Recently, the National Security Team of Yanliang Public Security Bureau had a "talk" with practitioners who had been detained before, and searched several practitioners' homes.

People participating in the persecution include:

Yao Yan'an, political instructor of the National Security Team.
Li Qiu, Director of the National Security Team.
Zhang Jianhui and Xu Wenjun, policemen.
Phone number of the National Security Team: 86-29-6202364.

[Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Practitioners Illegally Arrested

Tangshan practitioners Sun Jianzhong (male), Guo Xiaohui (female), Li Yuqiu (female), An Zhenjie (male), and Zhang Yunping (female) were arrested.

[Langfang City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Zhang Yingxia from the Qianfeng Machinery Plant Arrested

Practitioner Zhang Yingxia was arrested over two months ago. Her whereabouts are still unknown. It has been heard that the detention center has transferred her to Langfang Developing Area for a disguised detention in order to avoid being caught by the Supreme Procuratorial Institute for an extended detention. It is also said that as long as 10,000 Yuan [equal to nearly two years' average income of an ordinary worker in China] is paid, she would be released.

[Weiyuan County, Sichuan Province] The "610 Office" Holds a Brainwashing Class at a School for Deaf-Mutes

The "610 Office" in Weiyuan County detained several Falun Dafa practitioners in a brainwashing class held in a school for deaf-mutes.

Phone number of the school: 86-832-8226827.
Liu Xianyou, Principal of the school.
Xiong Anlu, Director of the "610 Office": 86-832-8236766 (office), 86-832-8230853 (home).

[Beijing City] The "610 Office" in Fangshan District Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners by Using Former Practitioners Who Were Brainwashed Under Pressure

Fangshan District is one of the districts in Beijing that seriously persecutes Falun Dafa practitioners. Since December of 2000, the "610 Office," together with the local government and the Public Security Bureau, forcibly arrested over 800 Falun Dafa practitioners and sent them to brainwashing classes. Practitioners are subject to threats, pressure, deceit and all kinds of physical punishment. Those who were brainwashed under high pressure were forced to aid the evil in persecuting other practitioners. They were instructed to search practitioners' homes, harass practitioners by constantly phoning them, carry out surveillance and report to the "610 Office" on the status of practitioners' progress in being brainwashed. As a result of the intensified persecution, some practitioners who woke up again and resumed cultivating in Dafa, and some who were released from forced labor camps were once again arrested.

Below are three former practitioners who "enlightened" along an evil path and are helping with brainwashing other practitioners:

Sun Baoyan, 86-10-69368810
Shi Xiurong, 86-10-69374427
Ma Shuwen, 86-10-69368447