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Greece: A Kind-Hearted and Sincere Man

Aug. 3, 2003

(CLearwisdom.net August 2, 2003) In 1937, Mr. Fannos (pseudonym) was born into a family with a sincere Christian belief. He is the 5th generation owner of the family's shipping business, which started in 1885. He is very humble when the subject of his business is brought up, despite the fact that his business has now spread over Asia, Africa, Europe, and the United States. Mr. Fannos never smokes and enjoys gardening at home at his leisure. He is a legend in his own lifetime. He experienced being the victim of two airplanes crashes, four shipping accidents, and several car accidents. He has survived many disasters. He believes in God and that everything has its own arrangement.

One evening two years ago he met a Falun Gong practitioner from Sweden distributing Falun Gong flyers in the street. This practitioner was invited to his home after Mr. Fannos briefly read through the flyer. Mr. Fannos asked him a lot of questions and the practitioner answered them one by one. Afterwards Mr. Fannos contacted some more practitioners, whose upright and peaceful speech and manner left a deep impression on him. The improvement of their physical and mental well-being brought about by practicing Dafa caught his attention, and he was deeply moved by the principles of Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance. From that time on, he began to do many things to help stop Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong.

Mr. Fannos is not only the president of a shipping and travel company but also serves in the position of head of the environmental and cultural committee in his country. Utilizing his relationships developed over many years, he distributed materials explaining the facts of the persecution to government organizations and the media; he organized and held press conferences; he also arranged and participated in activities, including the Taiwan Dafa practitioners' promoting Dafa, Zhang Cuiying's painting exhibition, Ms. Dai Zhizhen's exposure of the evil persecution which had caused her to lose her family. While participating in some European conferences, Mr. Fannos has appealed to the Chinese government officials who also attended the conferences several times to stop persecuting Falun Gong.

Early this year, Mr. Fannos personally wrote a letter to the former vice secretary general, Hu Jin-Tao, asking him to follow public opinion and stop the persecution of Falun Gong; the letter was returned. Mr. Fannos once again wrote a letter to the Chinese ambassador accredited to Greece, Mr. Tang Keqi and requested he pass on the information. The letter was returned again on May 22. As a result of Mr. Fannos criticism of human rights in China, his computer in his shipping and travel company was attacked by a hacker, who sent thousands of e-mails to him. The emails disrupted all of the computers. As it was the high season for travel, he suffered great loss of business. This, however, did not stop Mr. Fannos from supporting Dafa and from promoting justice.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200308/14211.html