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Policemen Gong Xinhai and Others Persecute Dafa Practitioners in Hengshan District of Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province

Aug. 3, 2003 |   By a Dafa disciple in China


Ms. Xing Guifen is a 38-year old Dafa practitioner from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province. On March 16, 2003, Gong Xinhai and other policemen from Hengshan District of Jixi City broke into the material production site in Jixi City and arrested Xing Guifen. Gong Xinhai hung Ms. Xing by her handcuffed wrists for 4 days and 4 nights, and whipped her with iron wires. As a result of the torture, Ms. Xing's body became covered with wounds and her internal organs were damaged. She is being detained at the Second Detention Center in Jixi City.

Sun Xiuzhi, a Dafa practitioner from Zhangxin Mine of Jixi City, was arrested by Gong Xinhai and his accomplices because she clarified the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong. Ms. Sun is being detained in the Harbin City Women's Drug Rehabilitation Center. This center is very evil, as the policemen there use extreme measures to torture Dafa practitioners.

Gong Xinhai also arrested Zhong Li, a Dafa practitioner from the Zhangxin Mine of Jixi City, for clarifying the truth in Beijing City. She is being detained at the Women's Drug Rehabilitation Center in Jixi City.

In April 2003, a Dafa practitioner named Zhao Chun, from the Xiaohengshan Mine, was tortured to death by Gong Xinhai and other policemen. Zhao's body, with four broken ribs, has been frozen and is being kept at the Jixi Cremation Center.

Policeman Gong Xinhai's cell phone number: 86-13945867777
Hengshan Police Station (also persecutes Dafa practitioners): 86-467-2456352

I hope Dafa practitioners will call Gong Xinhai and eliminate the evil forces behind him by using righteous thoughts.