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Lawless Officials from Zhucheng City's Electricity Bureau, Shandong Province, Persecute Dafa Practitioners

Aug. 3, 2003

July 27, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) July 27 report: ever since July 20, 1999, lawless officials Wan Shengchang and others from the Zhucheng City Electricity Bureau in Shandong Province have persecuted employees who practice Falun Gong. Wan Shengchang is a wicked person who he said at a city committee meeting, "I'll fight for only number one and not settle for number two in the persecution of Falun Gong." He conspired with the police department in numerous persecution actions against practitioners.

Ms. Liu, a former employee from the Zhucheng City Electricity Bureau went to Weifang City to appeal for Dafa. The Electricity Bureau authorities illegally detained Ms. Liu and several other practitioners several times. On the afternoon of July 22, 1999, CCTV aired Dafa-slandering programs and Wan Shengchang, the former head of the Electricity Bureau, along with three other thugs Wan Tongyao, Zhang Congde, and Liu Bingxin went to Ms Liu's home, claiming they would call 110 [the police] to have her son arrested, just because her son said, "Falun Gong is simply great" at a meeting criticizing Falun Gong held by the Electricity Bureau. With Ms. Liu's strong resistance, they didn't take her son away.

In October 1999, Ms. Liu was arrested and held for more than 20 days because Falun Gong books and materials were found in her home during the police's ransacking. During her detention, her daughter-in-law gave birth, and Ms. Liu faced tremendous pressure. Three days after her granddaughter was born, Wan Shengchang forced practitioners and their families, including Ms. Liu, to go to meetings criticizing Falun Gong held by subordinate units. Ms. Liu's daughter-in-law and her baby were the only ones left at home. After Ms. Liu returned home, Wan Tongyao ordered a security officer to check her home every two hours, but the officer went to her home once a day instead to see if she was home.

In June 2000, several officials of the Electricity Bureau forced Ms Liu to go to a meeting at the bureau building and gave her a "serious internal Party warning."

After 1999, Ms. Liu was given only 200 Yuan* a month. In 2000 her salary and benefits were completely cut off, and she was expelled from the Party. Ms. Liu's family members were also fired from their jobs, as the thugs claimed to want to bankrupt them so they can't live a good life. After they failed to make Ms. Liu and her family succumb, the officials forced her son and daughter to keep her under house arrest and forbid her to leave her home. Ms. Liu was thus monitored for more than one year. The door guard of Ms. Liu's residential building often threatened her, saying, "If you leave through the door, I'll break your leg."

In June 2000, Ms. Liu went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa and was arrested by plainclothes police before she reached Beijing. The police took about 400 Yuan cash from Liu, and called the Electricity Bureau to pick her up. As a result, Wan Shengchang forced the practitioners and their families to attend a daylong meeting.

That same afternoon, Wan Shengchang sent security officers to order Ms. Liu's son to pick up Ms. Liu from the Gaomi Train Station. They falsely promised to let Ms. Liu go home, but instead they sent her to the Renmin Road Police Precinct, and sent a thug from the Electricity Bureau to watch her. The thug told her not to leave, or he would not get the bonus money. A thug named Sun cuffed her to a heating pipe for a whole evening. On October 2, after an interrogation, they asked Ms Liu if she would still practice Falun Gong and she said, "I'll always practice." She was again detained and her home was ransacked. The thugs couldn't find any Dafa materials so they took her son's computer. Not until the summer of 2001 did they notify Liu's family to pick up the computer.

During Ms. Liu's detention, the thugs extorted 500 to 600 Yuan "living fee" from Liu's son. The daily-use articles sold in the detention center are very expensive, and Dafa practitioners rarely buy them, so the police coerced them to make purchases. When they force the practitioners to buy an overpriced quilt cover, they don't allow the practitioners to take it with them when they leave, so that they can sell it again.

A police thug named Cao Jinhui and officials from the Electricity Bureau forced her son to tell his mother to give up cultivation, and they extorted 300 Yuan every time he met with his mother. Ms. Liu firmly resisted their persecution. When Cao threatened to send her to three years of forced labor, Ms Liu said, "What you say doesn't count." During this time Zhu from the city committee went to threaten Ms Liu, saying there would be dire consequences if she didn't listen to them. Ms. Liu didn't listen to them. When Liu was released after more than 20 days of detention, Wan Shengchang and Liu Shifang went to her home to coerce again her to give up cultivation. Ms. Liu didn't listen to them, so they threatened, "Even your child will be affected! This is a political conflict!"

In 2001, former Electricity Bureau employees Sun Guangxiang and Gao Aiquan were persecuted for persisting in practicing Falun Dafa. Sun Guangxiang was brutally tortured and passed out numerous times. The thugs poured cold water on him to make him regain consciousness. In the end they fired him from his job. Seeing the severity of the persecution, Gao Aiquan resigned from his post and his livelihood is in danger.


Electricity Bureau, Wan Shengchang, phone numbers: 86-536ü|6065386 (office), 86-536ü|6211287 (home)

*Yuan is the Chinese currency. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.