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Some Thoughts on the Party's Deceiving Propaganda About the Beggar Murder Case in Wenzhou City

Aug. 4, 2003 |   Written by a Dafa Disciple in Zhejiang Province


On July 2, the Xinhua News Agency (state-owned news agency in China) reported that 16 beggars in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province were poisoned and the suspect was a Falun Gong member. (Please refer to http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2003/7/17/38218.html for a more detailed analysis)

Besides being another big exposure of the evil's poisonous nature, what things of ours is the Party's deceiving propaganda targeting?

As I understand it, the essence of this incident is to interfere with the legal case to bring Jiang to justice. During the Fa-rectification, we have to always stick to the main projects our current Fa-rectification is dealing with, and any interference should not be able to shake it. At the same time, we also need to take care of the other branches of Dafa work because the main trunk is connected to each of the branches and they influence each other. The various kinds of interference that have manifested recently are the final death struggle of the old forces before their failure and annihilation. As long as we still have omissions in our xinxing (moral character, mind nature), the old forces inside and outside of our own heavenly body will connect with each other to invade. Master Li has made this very clear in the article "Expounding on the Fa" and at the same time also told us how we should validate the Fa during the Fa-Rectification.

Then as far as our Dafa disciples in Zhejiang Province are concerned, this incident has happened in our area, and it must be related to the mind-states and behavior of Dafa disciples in the Zhejiang area.

Master has said before, "As I've said, everything that happens today in the ordinary society is the result of Dafa disciples' thoughts. Even though the old forces do exist, if you don't have those thoughts they can't do anything. When your righteous thoughts are strong enough the old forces can't do a thing." (Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.).

Therefore we shall make sure we really "don't have those thoughts" and our "righteous thoughts are strong enough." At the same time, we shall intensify our efforts to clarify the truth, and better coordinate with each other to form a whole body. Only by doing so can we break through the old forces' interference against us. More importantly, we should of course focus on the center of the whole Fa-rectification at the current stage: bringing Jiang to justice. We should also clarify the truth more extensively, thoroughly, and deeply, and eliminate the evil with righteous thoughts.

We also need to solemnly eliminate the old forces' attempts to utilize this incident to create more trouble and persecution. In practice, when we really begin to notice the initial signs of certain things, we have already been able to eliminate many losses. Therefore, it is quite necessary for all areas to report updates on our situations to Clearwisdom in a timely manner. We Zhejiang Dafa disciples need to realize our own shortcomings. Are we diligent enough in the areas of clarifying the truth, our overall xinxing levels, our understandings of the whole body, and our mutual cooperation and coordination? Can we better dissolve ourselves into the efforts of validating Dafa and offering salvation to the world's people?

When we look at the issues involved in the process of Fa-rectification, our thoughts can become more comprehensive, looking at things from the levels of the whole body to the region, to individuals. Then when incidents happen, we can find out the essence of the problems within the whole body, within certain regions, and within individuals. When we have a clear understanding of the Fa, and improve ourselves in a timely manner, the interference and persecution will also be eliminated.

I hereby would also like to suggest that Zhejiang Dafa disciples strengthen our righteous thoughts and form an indestructible whole body with righteous thoughts and harmonize into the whole body of Fa-rectification. Let us eliminate any other bad impact this incident may have, and create a good environment for the Fa-rectification.

The above are just some personal thoughts. If there is anything inappropriate, I hope fellow practitioners will point it out and correct me.

Written on July 6, 2003