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Dafa Practitioner Ling Xiang from Guangzhou City Is Being Illegally Held in Shanghai

Aug. 4, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Dafa practitioner Mr. Ling Xiang was arrested by police in Shanghai on July 5 and is being held at the Shanghai Jing'an District Police Department Detention Center (reported on Clearwisdom Latest News from China 7/6/03 and 7/7/03).

From insiders we learned that the Shanghai Police Department was very nervous and paid special attention to this case. They view this case as "the first case in Shanghai that Falun Gong materials were distributed to the public in such an open way."

Ling Xiang went to Shanghai to purchase equipment for the company he works for, thus he brought a significant amount of cash with him. We learned that the police are planning to claim the cash as "Falun Gong organization's funds."

Responsible parties and individuals include:

Political and Security Section of Jing'an District Police Department: 419 Jiaozhou Road, Shanghai City, ZIP code 200040

Jing'an District Police Department Detention Center: 1550 West Nanjing Ave, Shanghai City, ZIP code 200040

Individuals in charge of the case: Chen Yingjun, Dai Xinliang

July 26, 2003