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Summary of Other Articles and News - 07/31/2003

Aug. 5, 2003


Facts of the Persecution

Vice Team Leader Yue Qingjin of the Tuanhe Labor Camp has tried to coerce an elderly Falun Dafa practitioner to give up his practice of Falun Dafa. The practitioner could not bear the torture any longer after being deprived of sleep for one whole week. Yue also forced Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Yongping to go 18 days with no sleep, which caused his hair to turn gray, made his legs and feet swollen, and caused him to partially lose his memory. Yue locked Falun Dafa practitioner Li Xupeng in a small cell1 for one month, and refused to move him to another cell even when Li passed out from the heat in the cell. Once Yue shoved practitioner Zhang Xiangyu's head under his crotch, while insulting him--Yue has done many inhuman deeds like this.

Police in the Masanjia Labor Camp brutally tortured solid Falun Dafa practitioners, by suspending them in the air by their feet, depriving them of sleep, forcing them to squat down for long periods of time, shocking them with electric batons, locking them in a small cell, force-feeding them with hard plastic tubes that scratch practitioners' noses and throats and make them bleed, and tying them up for long periods of time, which is very cruel and extremely painful, since it makes practitioners unable to walk for many days and causes damages to their hearts.

Falun Dafa practitioners were forced to watch videos that slander Falun Dafa in the Mapingba brainwashing class in Sichuan Province. They were forced to read fabricated Falun Dafa articles, and tortured by being made to stand for a long time, being exposed for a long time under the hot sun, being brutally beaten, and tied up.

Practitioners Exchange Insights

The following is an excerpt from the article "A Note to Fellow Practitioners about Clarifying the Truth."

Many ordinary people delete the truth clarifying e-mails without even taking a look. I think there are many reasons. First, maybe we should say some greetings or kind words like a friend at the beginning of the e-mail. People hardly ever refuse to read some good luck sentiments. Secondly, some e-mails' fonts are too small, and many people might not have the patience to read them. I suggest sending these e-mails to our own e-mail boxes first to see how it looks, and then readjust them if necessary before actually sending them out.

The following is an excerpt from the article "Talking about Fa-study."

I never joined any group Fa-study, but always read by myself quietly ever since the beginning. One day, I carefully read out loud the 9 talks in Zhuan Falun. I found that before I had misread a lot of things. I was very sad. I remembered one young practitioner who could see with his open third eye that when we missed words while reading Zhuan Falun, the demons in other realms laughed so hard at us. Master said in Zhuan Falun, "The real evolving-process takes place in other dimensions, and it's extremely complex and wondrous, so it won't work even if it's just the slightest bit off. It's like putting the wrong part into a precision instrument by mistake--it breaks down instantly" ("The First Talk: Falun Dafa's Special Features"). I know why I hardly ever instantly enlighten when reading Zhuan Falun, it is because I read with notions. How could the Buddhas, Daos, and Gods give me any hints? I started to re-examine myself, and begin anew. Because of limited conditions, I still do not have the luxury of joining a group Fa-study, but I read the Fa out loud to myself. The environment is created by ourselves.

Reference Materials

The following is an excerpt from the article "Jia Qinglin Applied for Retirement Again."

Renminbao reported that the Australian Sydney Morning Herald reported on page seven of the September 3, 1993 issue, a 35-year-old Chinese man named Ren Peng was sentenced to five years in prison because of money laundering. He was accused of illegally transferring more than $40 million from China through Australia to the United States. Many Chinese in Sydney who originated from Fujian province said that the mother of Ren Peng is Jia Qinglin's wife. At the end of June, 2003, during their meeting, the CCP Political Bureau voted "no" a fifth time to making Party Committee members' financial income, properties and bank accounts public. This was because Jiang and his regime do not want this to happen. Huang Ju and Jia Qinglin voted "no." In order to avoid being investigated, Jia applied for retirement with the excuse of health problems before the 16th Party Congress. Jiang criticized him as a "political suicide." During the SARS epidemic, Jia Jianguo, Jia Weiguo, and the two sons of Jia Qinglin escaped to Sydney with their wives and children on April 23, 2003, flying Chinese state-owned airlines. Now Jia is being investigated for corruption, and he is in an uncomfortable situation. He is worried about how to secure his black money, which is more important to him than defending Jiang. Therefore, he raised the retirement issue again. Jiang condemned him, saying that he is trying to "escape the battlefield."

1Small cell--the detainee is locked up alone in a very small cell. The guards handcuff the detainee on his back in a fixed position, so that the detainee can neither move nor lie down. The small cell is very damp with no sunlight. Detainees have to urinate and defecate in the cell. Only half of a regular meal is served to detainees locked up in a small cell during the daytime. The stench in the small cell is so bad that it is difficult to breathe.