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Summary of Other Articles and News - 07/30/2003

Aug. 5, 2003


Practitioners Exchange Insights

Be aware of the situation at our home base and don't overlook truth clarification to our family members. Some practitioners easily give up offering salvation to their family members who don't understand or who oppose Dafa, because they think they are interfering or that it's caused by historic, predestined relationships. Some practitioners even think it's sentimentality and should be given up. Master did tell us to give up sentimentality, but he didn't ask us to give up rescuing our family members.

When we face our family members, do we truly look inward? Have we really given up sentimentality? Did we really have "a compassion that can melt steel"? ("Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference") When we truly give up our acquired notions and sentimentality, and we approach them like any ordinary person whom we do not know, the result will be different. Our family members have a great karmic relationship with us. Let us not obstruct them from obtaining the Fa because of some of our acquired notions. I realized the time for offering salvation to people is very limited. As time speeds up, fewer opportunities are left. Don't miss another predestined person, or we'll regret it.

Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

A woman practitioner in her 70's went out of town to deliver Master's newest scriptures to fellow practitioners. After she got off the bus, she circled around and couldn't find the fellow practitioner's home. She thought, "I must find it today." Then she sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Master for help. A while later, someone came out of a building and a voice said to her, "Follow him and you'll find the practitioner's home." She followed this person several steps and asked him about the practitioner's home, and it happened to be opposite from this person's home. This woman practitioner smoothly delivered Master's new scripture to the fellow practitioners.

One day in the evening, a dozen thugs went to the home of an elderly practitioner and tried to conduct an illegal search. This practitioner said loudly, "Whatever it is, come tomorrow!" Then she turned around and went into her house. The thugs jumped into her yard from her wall and continuously knocked on her door. The practitioner sent forth righteous thoughts and ignored them. The thugs then wanted to leave, saying, "Open the gate so we can leave." The practitioner said, "Go out the way you came in." The thugs had no choice but to jump back over the wall, and they left, dejected. The next morning this practitioner went to the local police station and condemned their illegal behavior. The head of the police station tried to evade responsibility and promised similar things would never happen again.

The Truth and People's Heart

Truth clarification flyer creates perfect vision: congenital eye disease cured for a person who was born nearsighted. One day he saw something posted on the wall and he tried to read it. He couldn't see clearly so he peeled it off and read it. It turned out to be a truth clarification flyer. After he finished reading, he posted it back on the wall. The next day miracle happened: his eyes became completely normal and he could see everything clearly. He said to everyone he met, "Dafa is miraculous!"

In early May 2003, my 74-year-old father was sent to a hospital for treatment of stroke and heart disease. He was given injections, medication, oxygen and intravenous daily. His condition worsened and he was sent to the emergency room three times. In fact, my father obtained the Fa before July 20, 1999, but he didn't persist in cultivation after the persecution began. I told him that if he firmly believes in Dafa he'll be saved, and when he is conscious he should say, "Falun Dafa is good." Father agreed and nodded. The next day all symptoms disappeared and he left the hospital on the third day. After he left the hospital, his heart was in a stable condition and his mind was clear. He had no further symptoms of stroke. My father has begun to practice Falun Dafa again.

News From Around the World

Ms. Robyn Kilpatrick from Amnesty International in Victoria, Australia said during an interview with Epoch Times and New Tang Dynasty TV, that Amnesty International has delivered a letter to the Australian Government regarding the impending dialogue between representatives from the Chinese and Australian governments. The letter expressed the hope that the Australian government envoy can discuss the human rights issue with envoy from the Chinese government. The letter especially mentioned the fact that the Chinese government severely tramples human rights, including using the death penalty, continuous abuse of Falun Gong practitioners and members of several other organizations including Tibetans and labor movement leaders.

Central News Agency July 28th report: on July 14th , Canadian Member of Parliament Scott Reid wrote to Chen Youcai, head of Heilongjiang Province's Public Security Department, requesting the Chinese government to release a Vancouver resident, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Yuzhi's brother Wang Chengyuan. Wang Chengyuan was arrested on January 17, 2003 and was detained at the Heilongjiang Police Department. His arrest and detention was never explained. On the 15th, representing the people of Ontario, MP Keith Martin wrote to Falun Gong practitioners, sending greetings and expressing support to Falun Gong practitioners both in Canada and in China.