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"Your Materials Are So Precious" - 4 Short Stories

Aug. 6, 2003


  1. "Your Materials Are So Precious"
  2. When a practitioner returned home after a couple of months out of town, she gave the most recent truth-clarifying materials to her co-workers in the factory. They all enjoyed reading them and returned them to her when they were finished. The practitioner said, "You don't have to give them back to me. You may take them home and give them to your friends and families."

    The co-workers said, "Really? Your materials are so precious. We all just assumed that we would have to return them to you. It's great that you're letting us take them home!"

  3. My Aunt Became Healthy After Understanding the Truth
  4. One of my aunt's co-workers is a Falun Dafa practitioner. After learning the truth from her, my aunt has always protected Falun Dafa. For example, when a colleague maligned Falun Dafa, she defended it. That same night, she dreamed of a very large Buddha, many flying angels and many other beautiful scenes. Upon awakening at midnight she could not return to sleep.

    When I rented a house from her, she insisted on refusing my rent payment, saying that she understood my situation. My aunt was once in poor health. However, since she began studying the Fa in March of last year, she has not needed to take any medication . She believes that people need to be kind to one another and that they will ultimately have to face their own conscience.

  5. "I Want to Sincerely Express from My Heart that Falun Dafa is Good!"
  6. After being apprehended by a policeman who had carefully plotted my ambush last March, I was taken to a detention center. A woman from the countryside had already been there for three days. When I first saw her, she was lying on the bed groaning. Another practitioner told me that three women in the cell who were drug abusers had beaten this woman. When I was later assigned to another cell along with that woman, and we were chatting, she said, "I really want to write an article in which I can sincerely express from my heart that 'Falun Dafa is good!'" I asked her why, and she told me that she had been badly beaten by the prisoners. She had become hated in the prison, and was thinking of ways that she could inflict revenge on the women who had beaten her so badly. She had wanted do this even though it would have been at the risk of her own life.

    She said, "It was the practitioner, Wuyou, that was here just before you who advised me that we should not hate anyone, even though they may have treated us badly. If you can take a step back, you'll find the ocean broad and the sky endless. Treating others well is ultimately treating oneself well. She also said that this is the basic requirement that your Master has made. Even though Falun Gong has been persecuted so badly, practitioners never hate anyone, and you still benevolently clarify the truth to those people who persecute you. I was so deeply touched that I gave up my plan of revenge, thus avoiding a big mistake. Your fellow practitioner Wuyou also asked me to read "Hong Yin" [a book of poetry written by the founder of Falun Gong, Li Hongzhi]. Falun Gong practitioners are all good people. When I get out of prison, I will tell all my friends and relatives that Falun Dafa is good, and relate my own personal experiences to them accordingly."

    Later on, I helped organize an article for her that she dictated to me. She also asked me to write down "Hong Yin" and the lyrics to some songs composed by practitioners, and expressed that she would learn Falun Gong as soon as she returned home.

  7. "It seems like the credibility of the Party just gets worse every day."

One day during the peak of the SARS outbreak, I went out to do some business. On the bus, there was a discussion about SARS and many people were making comments. I took advantage of this topic and broadened the subject to include other false government propaganda, such as the persecution of Falun Gong. I told them all that the TV propaganda reports were false, and I clarified the truth about the "self-immolation" case. A middle-aged gentleman reacted with great surprise when he heard this, and said, "I just know that the Party has been spreading so many lies that now it seems we can't trust anything they say. It seems like their credibility just gets worse every day."