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Ms. Cui Ningning Tortured to Death at Heizhuang Detention Center in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province

Aug. 6, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) August 3rd report: Dafa practitioner Ms. Cui Ningning from Zhengzhou City was brutally force-fed at the Heizhuang Detention Center in Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province until she was on the verge of death, when she was released. She died at home 11 days later. Following are details.

Ms. Cui Ningning, 46 years old, lived in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. She worked at Henan Province Grains and Oils Import & Export Corp. In May 2003, police abducted her when she was distributing truth Falun Dafa clarification materials. She refused to write a "guarantee statement" to give up her practice of Falun Dafa, so she was illegally detained at the Heizhuang Detention Center in Jinshui District.

She was later sentenced to one-and-a-half years of forced labor. Cui Ningning held a hunger strike and she didn't cooperate with the evil authorities' persecution. As a result, the police brutally force-fed her. On July 18, the police was afraid of taking responsibilities for the consequences of their misconduct. They ordered Cui's sister to take her home. Ms. Cui was already skins and bones, was extremely weak and could not eat. She died eleven days later, on July 29, 2003.

Units responsible for her persecution and their telephone numbers in Zhengzhou City (add 86-371 before each phone number except the cell phone):

Jinshui District Police Department: 6256038
Political and Security Section of Jinshui District Police Department: 6256038
Section chief: Li Xinjian: 86-13017662358 (cell)
Deputy chief: Tao Wenyue

Jinshui District Detention Center: 5942156

Chief: Cheng Haitao. When he tortured Dafa practitioners with force-feeding, this individual claimed, "I'll torment you to the end even if I lose my job." When he saw blood on the feeding tube, he said, "Don't even think about getting out, even if you bleed." (From an eye-witness account)

Jinshui District Government: 3932166
Jinshui District People's Court, office: 3933713, 3936797, 3912055
Address: No. 3 Zhengtong Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
Zip code: 450002

Jinshui District People's Prosecutor, office: 5830304
Henan Province Party Committee main switchboard: 5902627
Henan Province Public Security Department main switchboard: 5991155
The two Division Chiefs have the same surname Li. Their office number is 5963394

Henan Province "610 Office:"* 5902233, 5904038
Main switchboard: 5963355 (live person), 5991155 (automated voice system)
Chief: Li Jianzhong: dial main switchboard number and ask for ext. 23171 (home)
Deputy Chief: Li Pingqi (female): dial main switchboard number and ask for ext. 23603 (home)
Henan Province Prosecutor's Reporting and Appeals hotline: 5953492, 5454790
Henan Province Labor Department of Labor Watch: 5907592

Zhengzhou City People's Government: 7973742
Zhengzhou City Public Security, Prosecutor and Legal Department hotline for corruption: 7970100
Zhengzhou City People's Prosecutor appeals hotline: 8888000
Mayor's hotline (appeals and reports): 7447146

City Police Department: 6228710, main switchboard: 6222023
Chief: Yang Yuzhang. He is a cold-blooded butcher.
Three Division Chiefs at City Police Department Division One: Sun, Yun and Pei
Zhengzhou City Legal Department main switchboard: 7627960
Office: 7624714, 7618000, 7624723
Chief Office: 7639000, 7624703
Division of labor reeducation and labor reform: 7624730, 7624724, 7624694
Division Chief Office: 7633496
Labor reform branch group: 7613200, 7875133

Henan Province Grains and Oils Import & Export Corp: 3944901

* The "610 Office" is an agency specifically established to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.