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Show Trials Planned for Several Dafa Practitioners in Hefei City, Anhui Province (includes phone numbers)

Aug. 9, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net, July 30, 2003)

It has been reported that several practitioners in the Hefei City Detention Center, Anhui Province will be put through an illegal show trial.

One of them is Ms. Yang Jingfang from Shushan District of Hefei City. She used to work in the Jianghuai Instrumentation Factory. She was once unlawfully sentenced to one year in jail and then sentenced to three and a half years in jail for making truth-clarification materials.

Also, practitioner Mr. Peng Haiying, a former employee of Anhui Hotel, was unlawfully sentenced to a five-year term for broadcasting TV programs that clarify the truth about Dafa.

Dafa practitioner Bi Xiaojun, a resident of Luyang District of Hefei City, was an Erhu [Chinese instrument] player in the Anhui Province Huangmei Opera. He has been illegally detained for eight months and will be put on show trial despite there being no real legal basis.

Dafa practitioners who have been detained also included Mei Bin (a medical doctor), Li Lin, Li Gangfeng (a college student), Xie Liantian (a former employee of the No. 38 Research Institution in Shushang District of Hefei City), Ding Shumei (a former employee of the No. 38 Research Institution), Wu Jianghai (a former employee of the No. 4 Railroad Bureau), Li Jun, Zhang Wushun and others.

We are calling on all Dafa practitioners who read this news to send forth powerful righteous thoughts as well as use other means to stop the illegal trials and eliminate the evil forces' persecution against Dafa practitioners and the interference to Fa-rectification.

Related telephone numbers:

Hefei City Political and Legislation Committee: 86-551-2644103-7258

Hefei City Police Bureau

Department No. 1 (Political and Security Department): 86-551-2653138, Director Gong: 86-551-2651776-2170 (office)

Ge Hong: 86-551-2651776-2180 (office)

Supervisor Zhan: 86-551-2825547 (office)

Chang WeidongüF 86-551-5114019 (home)

Detention Center of the Hefei City Police BureauüF86-551-4482902 and 4460074