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The "Special Consideration" of the Police in Nongan County, Jilin Province

Aug. 9, 2003


"This Is a Special Consideration Granted To You; Otherwise You Would Be Sentenced to the Forced Labor Camp."

Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Shenhua had loaned the book Zhuan Falun to a person in 1996. In July 1999, when the Jiang regime started its persecution of Falun Gong, the policemen, using this as an excuse, extorted 5000 Yuan [Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan] from Wang. They also told him that this was a special consideration extended to him; otherwise he would be sent to a forced labor camp.

Another "Special Consideration"

Practitioners Ms. Guan and Ms. Tao are both in their 70's. One day they went out to post Falun Gong truth-clarifying flyers. A person noticed them and reported them to the police. The police then abducted them to the police station. Pretending to be kind, they said to these two elderly ladies, "You two please confess this is what you did. Since people reported you to us, we have to take care. After you have confessed, we'll send you back home. It's not a serious thing." Ms. Guan and Ms. Tao believed what the police said to them. As a result, the police searched Ms. Guan's home and took her husband away. They didn't release Mr. Guan until he paid 3000 Yuan to them. The police then attempted to send Ms. Guan to a labor camp. The labor camp refused to accept her because she did not pass their health examination. The police had to take her back. When they arrived at a place nearby her home, they extorted 8000 Yuan from her family members in exchange for setting her free. They also told them that this was a "special consideration" to Ms. Guan. Ms. Tao also was in police detention for a few days. She was only released after her family paid 10,000 yuan to the police.