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Yinmahe and Huanxiling Forced Labor Camps Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners Cao Xiaowei and Zhao Guoxing

Aug. 9, 2003 |   By a practitioner from Jilin City


Practitioners Mr. Cao Xiaowei and Mr. Zhao Guoxing from Jilin City were originally imprisoned in the Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp in Jiutai City. They are very determined practitioners, and would clarify the truth to people at every opportunity. The policemen inhumanely persecuted them and tried to force them into acknowledging that they were "Falun Gong organizers." But they wouldn't give in. Therefore, at the end of May 2003, The Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp secretly transferred them to the Huanxiling Forced Labor Camp in Jilin City for further persecution.

At the Huanxiling Forced Labor Camp in Jilin City, the policemen continued to mistreat them. Under the excuse of "looking for Falun Gong organizers," they tortured Cao and Zhao. They slammed Zhao Guoxing's head against the heater, causing Mr. Zhao to bleed heavily. When the policemen viciously beat up Cao Xiaowei, he cried out loudly to expose the mistreatment and to request a talk with those policemen's bosses. However, when their bosses came, they didn't punish those policemen; instead, they accused Mr. Cao of fighting with them. They extended his sentence for another two months and didn't allow his relatives to visit him.

The phone number of the Police Department of Jilin City is 86-432-248-8110.

The phone numbers to reach the Chief of the Police Department in Jilin City are 86-432-240-9110, 86-432-248-8110, 86-432-245-5848.

The phone number of Chen in the Director's Office of the Huanxiling Forced Labor Camp in Jilin City is 86-432-488-0502.

The phone number of Liu in the Director's Office of the Huanxiling Forced Labor Camp in Jilin City is 86-432-488-0800.