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Congratulations to Mainland Dafa Disciples on Their Repeated Success in Using Television to Spread the Facts of Dafa

Aug. 9, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) As the evil's strength is waning day by day, we heard the wonderful news of Mainland Chinese Dafa disciples using wireless technology to broadcast truth-clarifying television programs on a large scale in the Huanan region. It was wonderful to know that tens of thousands were able to see this program that lasted nearly an hour, and the fact that the practitioners were able to carry this out safely. (See related article at http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2003/8/4/38824.html) This is a reflection of the Dafa disciples' mighty virtue gained through using their righteous thoughts and boundless compassion obtained through cultivation to validate Dafa and save sentient beings. It is also a reflection of the force of Fa-rectification approaching the human world and the evil forces being eliminated on a large scale.

In the last four years of persecution against Dafa and Dafa disciples, the evil has exhausted the most wicked, base means in human history to manipulate the state propaganda machinery and media. From the so-called "1400 death cases due to Falun Gong," the staged "self-immolation on Tiananmen Square," and other fabricated cases where practitioners were falsely accused of committing outrageous crimes, they have created so many shameless lies to justify the persecution against Dafa. Countless Chinese people have been misled into bearing hatred against Dafa and Dafa disciples, and some have even followed Jiang's faction to persecute Dafa, pushing themselves towards the brink of disaster. The evil scoundrel political group in China has enacted these policies of extermination against Dafa disciples: "Defame their reputations, bankrupt them financially, and destroy them physically," "It doesn't count for anything if they're beaten or tortured to death," and "Don't verify their identities, just cremate them directly after death." More than 700 Dafa disciples have been verified and documented to have died as a direct result of the persecution, and tens of millions of innocent citizens have been robbed of their basic rights because of their beliefs. Using peaceful methods such as tapping into the television network to clarify the truth to the public is an act of justice and compassion. It is an act that will save people from disaster and safeguard the public's best interests and right to know from the dictator's tyranny.

In the final stages of Fa-rectification, the people of the world, who are no longer being manipulated by the evil, are becoming more and more clear-headed. Let us grasp the remaining time to "hurry up and tell them," using the boundless wisdom and compassion bestowed upon us by Dafa to save people of the world, as well as the groups of beings tied to them in the cosmos, so that we may fulfill the sacred vows that we made so long ago.