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Report from Activities during Chinese Criminal Luo Gan's Visit to Iceland (Photos)

Sept. 11, 2003 |   By a European Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Luo Gan is the head of the Central 610 Office*, and a central figure in carrying out the suppression and persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. He has directed a systematic persecution of millions of Falun Gong practitioners through torture, brainwashing, imprisonment, and murder. After filing a lawsuit against this criminal in Iceland, for crimes of torture, genocide and crimes against humanity, European Falun gong practitioners were a focal point for Iceland's media. Reports were carried in the 3 major Icelandic newspapers, television stations and radio stations. The reports detailed practitioners' press conference to expose the lawsuit against Luo and described the persecution that this criminal has carried out in China.

European practitioners found the Icelandic people to be very supportive and were touched by their enthusiastic support. One Icelander told practitioners "we are very proud of you" after reading about the lawsuit in one of the country's newspapers. Many people shared their dismay and sadness that such an evil suppressor of human rights was allowed in their country. A journalist from Iceland's leading newspaper expressed sympathy and support for the persecuted Falun Gong practitioners and stated that Luo Gan was certainly not invited to the country but actually invited himself.

On the following day, practitioners gathered outside the Supreme Court where Luo Gan was visiting. After gaining permission from the police they displayed two bright yellow banners reading "Falun Dafa" and "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance". Luo Gan refused to leave the Supreme Court to continue to his next appointment because he was afraid of seeing the messages on these banners. He forced his accompanying Chinese delegates to go to great trouble to arrange a large truck to block his view of the banner as he was driven away. A group of Chinese hooligans were also summoned. As Luo Gan left the building, the Chinese hooligans ran and mobbed the practitioners, waving their red flags and obstructing the Falun Gong banner. However, practitioners were able to quickly move to the end of the road, and as Luo Gan's car turned a corner the truck fell back and he directly saw the Falun Gong banner.

In the afternoon, practitioners headed for the airport, as they knew that Luo Gan would be leaving Iceland at that time. Due to limited numbers, practitioners needed to find a good way to display banners for the Chinese procession to see. Beside the only road leading to the airport, they displayed three banners reading "Falun Dafa", "Together We Can End the Persecution" and "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance", which could be seen from a great distance. A policeman stopped by to offer some kind words. Many passing drivers honked their horns in support after seeing the beautiful banners fluttering in the wind.

A photographer from Iceland's leading newspaper arrived, closely followed by cameramen from two of Iceland's TV stations. As they were reporting on practitioners' peaceful appeal, a van from the Chinese Embassy arrived and attempted to block the banners. A practitioner asked the Embassy workers why they were so scared of people seeing the Falun Gong banners. The Embassy staff saw the group of journalists and policemen who had now joined the practitioners in their appeal, and were waiting for the Chinese criminal Luo Gan to pass by. They aborted their plans to block the banners.

As Luo Gan passed by he had a full view of the beautiful Falun Gong banners, reminding him of the hundreds of thousands of innocent practitioners who have been imprisoned in detention centers and labor camps under his direct orders. The banners and the large group of Icelandic people standing by the Falun Gong display was the last sight that he saw before he left for Finland. That night Iceland TV carried reports on this event, letting more Icelandic people know about the horrific abuses of human rights that are happening to Falun Gong practitioners in China.

*The 610 Office is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political or judicial systems.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200309/15001.html