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Commentary: Why Does the Xinhua News Agency Call Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance "Evil Words?"

Sept. 24, 2003 |   By Fei Ming

(Clearwisdom.net September 15) A recent criticizing and combative commentary by the Xinhua News Agency contains a line denouncing Falun Gong, "...from fabricating that Falun Dafa could cure illnesses and keep fit and using it as a bait to spread evil words of 'Truthfulness- Compassion-Forbearance' to mislead people."

Regarding the curative effect of Falun Dafa, a number of my friends who used to suffer from serious illnesses regained health after taking up the practice of Falun Gong. I also know quite a few Chinese medicine doctors who also practice Falun Gong. Falun Gong practitioners who are medical professionals have conducted health investigations as well. If the Xinhua News Agency is not convinced by the available investigative reports, they could entrust specific departments concerned with this to carry out more specific research. The Xinhua News Agency, without conducting any investigation, denied the effect of Falun Gong on healing illnesses and keeping fit. This is clearly in violation of "advocating science" that was flaunted in the criticizing and combative commentary.

The next sentence "spreading evil words of 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance' to mislead people" is a key sentence, which at a minimum speaks words from the depths of Jiang Zemin's regime and Xinhua News Agency. Indeed, if all the Chinese people believed in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," then Jiang Zemin's regime and the Xinhua News Agency would have no place to hide.

Since the Xinhua News Agency claims that "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" are "evil words," what they believe, then would amount to none other than "falsehood, evildoing and fighting," exactly the opposite of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance."

Falsehoods: For the past few decades, the Xinhua News Agency, has always played the role of misleading people. Lines of "10,000 jin per mu,"[referring to crop yields, (0.5) kg per (0.17) acre] "two-thirds of the world's population are living in extreme misery" are all lies spread by the Xinhua News Agency. In the persecution of Falun Gong, the Agency fabricated all sorts of murder scripts and incited hatred against Falun Gong, by publishing fabrications such as stating Falun Gong believes that " killing is saving people;" or "from compassion to killing;" "deliberately catching SARS and spreading it to various places in China" and other such ludicrous defamatory lies. This news agency owns the copyright to all these lies. At the same time, this media outlet tries to confuse concepts by drawing an equals sign between a dictator and the country and the nation, by portraying the corrupt Jiang regime as, "the country is prosperous and the people are living in peace."

Evildoings: This news agency has engaged in whipping up public emotion and stirring up hatred to please people in authority in every political movement in China. In the persecution of Falun Gong, it has put one label after another on Falun Gong practitioners. In the past, we saw labels like "counter-revolutionary;" "having illegal relations with foreign countries;" (during the period of the Great Leap Forward, General Peng Dehuai, who spoke up for the masses of people was also so labeled), now there are pet propaganda phrases such as "anti-Chinese;" "colluding with anti-Chinese foreign forces," when in fact the ones who are truly anti-Chinese are none other than the corrupt officials Jiang Zemin represents. They unscrupulously embezzle public wealth and then transfer the embezzled money out of China to the so-called "anti-Chinese" interests, Europe and America. These officials are prepared to flee overseas when they are ready, leaving behind them the masses of the people to suffer the consequences of their wrongdoings.

Fighting: The Xinhua News Agency has never discussed any issue in a rational and calm manner. Its editors seem to be always living in an era of "taking the class struggle as the key link." Their articles are neither factual nor reasonable, but serve no other purpose than to imprint labels on people. Its recent commentary is full of Cultural Revolution style rhetoric, such as "based on the strong desires of the people;" "have fought with determination;" "the masses have proactively participated in the struggle against Falun Gong;" "deeply embraced by people of various national minorities;" "we should clearly see the particularity and seriousness of the fight against Falun Gong, and be fully aware that the fight will be long, arduous and complicated, and therefore, we should in no way relax our efforts;" "this is an inevitable, objective law independent of man's will" and other such slogans.

If you do not read closely, you may not be able to tell if this is criticizing Liu Shaoqi (a former state chairman who was put under house arrest under leader Mao Zedong's orders and later died as a result of persecution) or criticizing Deng Xiaoping (who was criticized by Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution; he once wrote a 'confession' and promised that he would never seek to reverse the verdict). In any case, there were so many such articles during the Cultural Revolution that one could collect them by the sackful.

For many Chinese people who have experienced the hardships of political movements, this criticizing and fighting commentary from the Xinhua News Agency can only be read as a joke. This is the first time, though, that this Agency has torn off all its pretense and labeled Truth-Compassion-Forbearance as "evil words." As for this "news agency" that views "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance" as "evil words," shouldn't we read its news and commentaries with a reverse point of view?