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UK: Telling Chinese People the Facts at a Moon Festival Party in Leeds

Sept. 25, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) On the 8th of September 2003, Leeds Town Hall in the UK hosted a party to celebrate the mid-autumn Chinese festival, known as the Moon Festival. Practitioners from Leeds thought that this was a great chance that should not be missed to let people know more about Falun Gong and tell them the facts about the persecution.

They arrived early and stood at the junction between two main roads to hand out Dafa materials to Chinese people who were going to the party. It wasn't long before an interesting scene had unfolded. There were many people who wanted to talk to the practitioners. On one side of the road, people surrounded a practitioner and none of them left until they received materials letting them know the facts about Falun Gong.

Practitioners' compassionate smiles and hearts moved the people around them. One practitioner quietly said, "Today we are here to celebrate the mid-autumn festival. But have we thought that in China there are over 700 practitioners who have been persecuted to death? How will their relatives spend the mid-autumn festival? Practitioners are all compassionate people; all they want is to speak the truth." One passer-by heard what was said and was very surprised. He immediately asked, "Did all those people really die?"

A lot of other people were silent but from their eyes it could be seen that they understood and were sympathetic. An elderly person didn't understand practitioners at the beginning and looked at them suspiciously. A practitioner went to him holding a Video-CD. The old man smiled, took the VCD and waved. Someone also asked practitioners how to get to the party and some other things about the party. Practitioners patiently answered all of the questions and offered help. Later they said, "Oh! So you are Falun Gong practitioners. We thought you were the organisers of the party!" A man from Mainland China met with practitioners and happily said, "When is your next exercise class? Please phone me and take me there. I want to learn the exercises as well."

A large amount of materials were distributed and looking around, practitioners found that everyone was carefully reading them. In a single evening, nearly everyone received some Falun Gong materials. Someone said jokingly, "I think tonight isn't a Moon Festival party but a Falun Gong material reading meeting!" After the mid-autumn performances finally started, practitioners stood in the moonlight, with empty bags and smiled.