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"The Terrible Support"

Sept. 25, 2003 |   By Feimin


The Xinhua News Agency claimed that the persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang's gang was "strongly supported by people of all races in the nation." This is a blatant lie.

In western countries, private organizations periodically conduct opinion polls on the popularity of the president and the government. They will explain how the sample is taken, describe the number of valid samples, the way the questions are asked, and the probability of error. Survey sampling is a specialized field. The poll taking organizations are experts in the field. The level of support for some policies in poll results can have a great influence on government officials.

Being "strongly supported by people of all races in the nation," as claimed by Jiang's gang, is not a result of opinion polls. Rather it is one of the habitual lies of the dictator and his writers. In a dictatorship, even if something is "strongly supported by people of all races in the nation," it does not prove the legitimacy of the matter. The former Iraqi dictator Sadam Hussein was elected the president with close to 100% of the ballot. In Nazi Germany people greeting each other had to raise their arms and shout "Hiel, Hitler." Behind this type of "strong support of people of all races in the nation" we only see crimes and the evil of the dictator.

Even in the developed countries of the West, where polls are easier to take, poll results cannot be used as an excuse to persecute minorities. The purpose of the Amendments in the United States Constitutions is to protect an individual's rights of speech and religion and certain other human rights. The constitution prohibits the legislature from creating any law that restricts these rights. It also prohibits the legislature from creating laws that are aimed at specific groups or individuals intending to use them to convict these groups or individuals, even though the legislature represents the public. In other words the United States Constitution forbids the legislature to deprive or trample on an individuals' certain specific rights by using a hollow name, "the public." Whether they "follow the mandate of the general public," or are "strongly supported by people of all races in the nation," the legislature is not allowed to create laws that infringe upon the rights of even a single individual, thus inhibiting the government that is unable to protect a minority's rights from inevitably becoming the tyranny of the majority. A tyranny by the majority is the same as that of a dictatorship by an individual who represents this majority.

After considering this logic, let's read a story. It is the description of a horror scene recorded by a Nobel Prize winner in literature, former citizen of the Soviet Union, Solzhenitsyn, which was cited in a recent article on the Internet.

A newly appointed district director chaired a meeting of the district representatives in Moscow Province -- his predecessor had just been imprisoned. Every time when they read the name of Stalin, all representatives would rise immediately, and yell "Ula!" At the end of the meeting, they approved the letter pledging allegiance to Stalin. All stood up and the sounds of applauding thundered the auditorium. It then turned into a long lasting cheer. Three minutes later, four minutes later, five minutes later, the sounds of clapping kept roaring, and the cheering remained enthusiastic. People's hands were hurting. Their arms were numb. The elderly were out of breath. But no one dared to stop first. The clapping kept on. Six minutes, seven minutes, eight minutes, all representatives looked at one another, pretending to be full of joy. Nine minutes, ten minutes, and at the eleventh minute, a member of the chairing group -- the president of the paper factory-- returned to his normal look, and sat down on his seat. Then a miracle happened. The unstoppable clapping stopped. That night, the president of the paper factory was arrested, and sentenced to ten years in prison. When he signed his name on the record of investigation, the investigator said to him: "Never be the first to stop clapping."

The title of the article on the Internet is "The Terrible Applause." Paraphrasing it, the so-called "support" according to Xinhua News would be "terrible support." For sure, it is not the first time for the Xinhua News Agency to declare such "terrible support." When they suppressed those who were against the revolution in the early days of the communist regime, they created a model for killing people by quota, which was "strongly supported by all races of the people in the nation." The anti-right-wing movement in 1957, "strongly supported by all races of the people in the nation," caused at least 550 thousand intellectuals to be sent to the countryside to do hard labor and to spend 22 years of their lives as low-class citizens. In 1958, there was the "Unified Path," "People's Commune," and the "Big Leap Forward," the so-called "Three Red Flags." Being "strongly supported by all races of the people in the nation," these campaigns led to at least 20 million deaths in the "natural" disasters that occurred in the next three years. The civil war of the Cultural Revolution that occurred in 1966, "strongly supported by all races of the people in the nation," sent the country into chaos, and pushed China to the brink of collapse.

Is all the so-called support actually "terrible support?" Should we not do everything we can to stop Jiang's gang from continuing to use this terrible support to brutally persecute Falun Gong practitioners?