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Persecution Ruins the Lives of Zang Yinyun and His Family Members

Sept. 25, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net September 12, 2003) Falun Dafa practitioner Zang Yinyun, went to Beijing at the end of 2000 to appeal and was arrested and sent to a labor camp. In June 2001, he was released for medical treatment. Before being sent to the labor camp, Zang Yinyun endured much persecution due to his practice of Falun Gong. During that time the local policemen prohibited him from renting any land, detained him, and drove him away from his home, forcing him into homelessness.

Before the Spring Festival of 2002, Zang Yinyun was detained in Lishu Detention Center and was beaten and tortured. Because he remained firm in his commitment to practice Falun Dafa, police sent him to Chaoyanggou Labor Camp for three years. In August 2002, policemen took him back from the labor camp and tried to send him to jail, torturing him in various ways to try to get him to incriminate himself. Finally because there was not sufficient evidence, police had to withdraw the charge. They again sent him to Chaoyanggou Labor Camp and he continues to be detained there. Falun Gong practitioners are experiencing the tortures of this so-called "transforming campaign" over and over again.

His wife, who is pregnant, has to take care of their child, who is in primary school, and their aging parents. The policemen often go to harass and abuse them because the whole family practices Falun Gong.

His brother and his sister-in-law were sentenced to one year of forced labor in 2001 because they went to Beijing to appeal against the harsh treatment of practitioners. After they were arrested the local officials confiscated their land. In 2002, after they were released, the policemen, village committee, and the political and law committee often searched their house at all hours of the day and night causing them live in fear everyday. On October 1, 2002, policemen found his brother and asked him to curse the Teacher of Falun Gong. His brother refused to do so and the police took him back to Liaohe Police Branch and detained him for three days and two nights. They extorted 2000 Yuan from his relatives in exchange for his release.

Zang Yinyun's sister, a teacher in the primary school, was dismissed from her job because she went to Beijing to appeal. Later she was arrested for practicing Falun Gong and sent to labor camp. After she was released, the policemen often went to her house to harass her. Her husband, who does not practice Falun Gong, did not dare to go back home in fear of having to pay a hefty fine. Later he divorced Zang's sister to avoid being persecuted. Zang's sister was forced to leave her young child and become homeless.

The phone No. of Liaohe Police Department Farm Branch: 86-434-5859127