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Some Overseas Practitioners Talk About The Lawsuits

Sept. 25, 2003


Practitioner W:

In Master's Hong Yin there is a poem called "Dafa Clears Up Confusion." In the recent article "Singing the Praises of Master and Dafa" which Master commented on, the author talked about the understanding of the "confusion." Currently when lawsuits against the evil blossom at various places, we can observe several kinds of "confusion."

One is that many practitioners feel their ability falls short of their wishes. They know a thing is important and should be done, but cannot finish meticulously in time the various aspects of what should be finished. Another kind is that practitioners are very willing to participate, but just don't know how to start.

Recently an article published on Clearwisdom.net, "To Practitioners Who Clarify the Truth via TV" (Parts I through V), provided much help to a lot of practitioners. The article said:

"Facing the evil, the paralyzed materials production site and severed contacts with other practitioners, we started again from scratch. From the microscopic level, in other dimensions, we went through the process of growing out of nothing. Everyone knows that any life or matter forms from the microscopic level to its surface. Microscopic particles form bigger molecules that form even bigger molecules until they form the matter in our dimension. As we study the Fa well and constantly correct and purify ourselves, we pay attention to sending forth righteous thoughts, --communicating to local practitioners' divine sides in other dimensions with our extraordinary abilities bestowed by Dafa and eliminating the evil.

Using our cultivated sides, we promoted the reestablishment of the materials production site and reconnected with the practitioners with whom we had lost contact. As we did what we felt we should do, everything happened according to Teacher's arrangement. Some examples of how this manifested in the human world are: 1) I suddenly recalled a practitioner's phone number and immediately got connected; 2) I encountered a practitioner whom I had wanted to reestablish contact with on the street; 3) I suddenly received a page from others whom I had lost contact with....

We thereafter very quickly reestablished a materials production site.

We then enlightened that many small material-production sites could be established like this everywhere."

Under the harsh circumstances in Mainland China, once Dafa practitioners are not clear-minded enough, it would cause obvious losses. On the surface, the cultivation environment for overseas practitioners is different from that in China; sometimes we don't feel it even if we have caused some losses. Think about it, for those practitioners not knowing how to participate, if they have a strong and powerful thought--"I want to participate in the lawsuit against Jiang and all the lawsuits exposing the evil"--there will definitely be breakthroughs. Anyway, the dimension we are in is a reflection of other dimensions. Nonetheless, overseas practitioners often pay too much attention to this dimension. Enlightened beings' true thought is the real powerful factor while the human brain is only a processing plant. We often overemphasize the ability of the processing plant and use this processing plant to do things, instead of doing things in a cultivation state. When one is inside the Tao, it's often like "when water flows, a channel is formed"--success will come when conditions are right. Our righteous thoughts plus a little cooperation in this dimension will be able to achieve it.

At the current stage of the Fa-rectification, the righteous and evil engage in close combat. This requires us to have certain strategies and tactics. Now we have lawsuits or upcoming lawsuits in Belgium, Finland, U.S., France, Canada, and Switzerland. Each is a part of the overall situation instead of an isolated battlefield. Therefore, in our minds and in the specific ways of doing things, we need to consider the overall situation more. Here I don't mean how to ask for more manpower from other regions to help and support the local lawsuit, but rather how to make the local situation (the effect of truth-clarification) in each battlefield contribute more to the overall situation, including of course how to use the local lawsuit to mobilize more local practitioners to step forward and cultivate diligently in Fa-rectification. Only so can we effectively eliminate in large quantities the remnant old forces and their behind-the-scenes helpers. This requires every practitioner's participation with righteous thoughts. (The participation here does not mean every practitioner doing the same thing or participating physically, but rather the joining of every practitioner's power of righteous thoughts.)

Viewed from a broader perspective, all the lawsuits are also just truth clarification. We cannot isolate the effort of having the lawsuit, as all should be for the purpose of truth clarification.

Practitioner F:

Since the beginning of this year, Teacher has given us several Fa-lectures and the standard of the Fa has become more pure and clear. Because overall we did not study the Fa well enough and did not keep up with the progress of Fa-rectification, we were not able set into action many tasks in Fa-rectification. Here are some analyses for your reference:

  1. Every task in Fa-rectification has its significant meaning based on the principles of the Fa. We oftentimes paid much more attention in how to get a task done well, and less attention to improving our understanding of the task's significance based on the Fa. Yet this understanding is the source of the energy and momentum to set all tasks into motion.
  2. We oftentimes were not compassionate enough to fellow practitioners and only hoped they would take a part in a task. We did not recognize that their "participation" in cultivation requires them to step out from their everyday people's mentality, and that doing a few tasks cannot be considered equal to genuine cultivation practice. "What is cultivation practice? What is a Fa-rectification cultivation practitioner? What are the requirements of Fa-rectification to yourself at the current stage?" These are the fundamental questions that we were oftentimes too lazy to share and exchange experiences about. Consequently, we bypassed many opportunities to improve and advance as one body.
  3. For clarifying the truth, when your thoughts and decisions are based on your understanding of the Fa, you will have continuous energy and momentum. When your thoughts and decisions are hinged on the principles of everyday people's society, you will experience all kinds of interference and hindrances. The purpose of doing every task in the Fa-rectification is based on clarifying the truth and offering salvation to all sentient beings. Every task in the Fa-rectification offers us more opportunities to clarify the truth on a wider range and scale.
  4. Sending forth righteous thoughts should not be limited to those specified times. Instead, as long as we and our minds are not in a working mode, we should try to send forth righteous thoughts all the time. This is the real power of sending forth righteous thoughts.
  5. The requirement of the Fa for us to collaborate as one body is not limited to a single area. Rather the collaboration should involve all practitioners in the world as one body.
  6. The requirements of individual cultivation requires us to step out the state of everyday people, step out of sentiment and place ourselves in the position of a "Buddha-Dao-God" and to demand of ourselves as such. Once we can meet the requirements of the Fa at the current stage, all problems will be immediately resolved.

Practitioner S:

Some understanding about righteous belief, righteous thoughts, righteous actions and the case of suing Jiang.

  1. A practitioner should have righteous belief regarding Dafa and Teacher. The determined righteous belief regarding Dafa, Teacher and that Fa-rectification will succeed originates from studying the Fa and one's understanding of the Fa. Because the universe was created by the Fa, when you understand the Fa at a level, you are in fact in that universe, i.e., your righteous belief is also at that level. So, there are different levels of righteous belief as well.
  2. When a practitioner has the determined righteous belief regarding the Fa and Teacher, he or she will have righteous thoughts. Our righteous thoughts originate from the correct understanding of and enlightenment to the principles in the Fa, and a pure and clean state that truly meets the requirements of the Fa. This is different from just talking about one's understanding all the time or promoting oneself with one's own understanding. When my righteous thoughts were not strong enough, it was because my main consciousness was not strong enough. On the contrary, when my righteous thoughts regarding the Fa and Teacher were determined, my righteous thoughts were indestructible.
  3. When you have righteous thoughts, you will have righteous actions. To establish your righteous belief and righteous thoughts is fundamental, and righteous actions are the results. When we have paid attention to the fundamentals, then the results are also a natural part of the process. Teacher's answers to a practitioner's question was: "When you see someone not having righteous actions, in fact it's that he doesn't have enough righteous thoughts, since a person's mind guides his actions. When your righteous thoughts are strong enough your actions will definitely be righteous, and when the righteous thoughts aren't strong enough the actions won't be righteous." (Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference) How can we keep righteous thoughts all the time? We have to conduct ourselves according to the Fa all the time and use the Fa to rectify ourselves. Then we can be sure that our words and actions meet the requirements of the Fa.
  4. The purpose of suing Jiang is to offer salvation to all sentient beings on a larger and more thorough scale. For people in some fields that we have not had a chance to get in touch with, such as those in the legal and academic fields, or those whom we did not have a chance to tell the truth more thoroughly and elaborately to, this is a chance to do a better job in clarifying the truth and truly get all the things done well that we should have done before.

Practitioner C:

1. We have not achieved a good enough state as a whole body

Fa-rectification is unprecedented in history. In this suppression where the evil has spread its influence across the world, Master placed us at the highest level we should return to in advance. In retrospect, I realize that we were able to come through all because of the mercy of Master and Dafa.

In the past four years, we became more and more mature and gradually understood our mission, our responsibilities and how we could complete this great mission of saving sentient beings.

The state we are in as one whole body is a decisive factor in carrying out and accomplishing major tasks in Fa-rectification. However, because we as a whole have not gained a deep understanding of the evil and the importance of exposing the evil, we are not able to proactively and rationally participate in some of the important tasks as one whole body, and we have not been able to open up our wisdom. Consequently, our cultivation as well as the way we handle things appear to be driven along by what is happening externally, and as a result, many of us feel tired and busy, unable to promote new tasks, while others feel they want to help but do not know where to start.

Cultivation is breaking through different levels in the first place, and Fa-rectification cultivation requires even more of us in our progressive understanding of the Fa, so that we are able to constantly break through our current level of understanding, to display a great momentum, to gather even greater energy mass and to carry out our tasks in the human world with skill and ease. What individuals cannot achieve can be achieved as one whole body; what individuals are unable to do can be accomplished as one whole body.

This is the key point why we must "find ourselves" in Fa-rectification cultivation. If we do not know the Fa at high levels, we cannot cultivate upward. If we know about the Fa at high levels, but fail to cultivate our xinxing,(moral character, heart or mind nature) we will not be able to improve either. Once we find where we are lacking as one whole body, and when we truly understand what we should do, then we will make major breakthroughs.

We must take into consideration the "human world" that we are responsible for instead of paying attention to only our own surrounding area and the tasks we are involved as individuals.

2. Looking for what we are lacking in the light of the few recent lawsuits against Jiang

As for the lawsuit against Jiang filed in the U.S., due to the participation of Dafa practitioners around the world with strong righteous thoughts, it tempered us as one whole body. The few most recent lawsuits have also started smoothly. However, it seems rather difficult to take even one further step. On the surface, it seems to be concerned with everyday people's understanding and technicalities, whereas in fact, everything is related to the cultivation state of Dafa practitioners.

Everyday people are driven by us, so if we do not move, then everyday people will not move either. Therefore, the success of any lawsuit cannot be "done" by a few people; instead, it depends on the cultivation state of us practitioners as a whole body, and yet the state of a whole body is formed with each individual practitioner's cultivation state. Sometimes, it seems that everyday people have moved ahead of us, and they seem to have stronger righteous thoughts than some of us. This is because everyday people's society directly reflects the progress of Fa-rectification, and when the evil is cleared away and when the knowing side of people starts to play a role, their understanding of the truth and their level of acceptance are also different than in the past. If we fail to keep up with the Fa-rectification process, we might even obstruct everyday people in their learning about the truth.

Practitioners did very well in their initiating the lawsuits, and so did the lawyers who are helping us. It now depends on each of us Dafa practitioners. Once the state of us as one whole body elevates to that level, other people will have an easy ride in accomplishing their work.

3. In fact, many tasks will be easier with more practitioners' participation and support.

    1. Making phone calls to lawyers, human rights groups, the media and government officials to make appointments to see them to clarify the truth.
    2. Sending emails, faxes and letters to relevant legal and government departments to clarify the truth.
    3. Talking to neighbors, friends, colleagues and family members to clarify the truth.
    4. Discussing these issues with fellow practitioners often and thinking about what we can do as individuals to proactively participate. The discussions can be as short as just a few words.
    5. Frequently sending forth righteous thoughts to strengthen the energy mass for major projects.
    6. Encouraging other fellow practitioners to clarify the truth to government and to file a lawsuit against Jiang with the UN. Even if we do not speak a foreign language, we can still proactively participate in fellow practitioners' discussions and start other discussions on related issues, so that we do not place ourselves outside simply because of language barriers. Sharing ideas with fellow practitioners will also encourage us to take on Fa-rectification work.
    7. Submitting articles to websites often to talk about the significance of the lawsuits against Jiang, and to communicate with everyday people with openness and sincerity, even if your sharing is only one sentence.
    8. When we see shortcomings in other practitioners, we should share our thoughts with them and kindly point out their shortcomings.
    9. When we hear good ideas, we should pass them on to more practitioners and take this as our responsibility and obligation.
    10. Check and see in what way the tasks we are involved can cooperate with the major tasks.

In short, we should place ourselves in a state of an active participant, proactively care about and participate in major projects, because this is strengthening our energy mass.

Practitioner F:

After taking a long detour, I suddenly realized that whether we can regard ourselves as cultivators and practitioners at all times is the crux that decides if we can walk our path well during Fa-rectification cultivation. Master talked about the Fa principle in Zhuan Falun that we should always have a compassionate heart and maintain a peaceful state of mind. During Fa-rectification, if we can at all times maintain such a state of mind as cultivators in dealing with people and things around us, then perhaps we will have fewer problems in cooperation and coordination. Only when we have strong righteous thoughts can the divine side in us plays a role, and our influence on everyday people will also increase. If we fail to keep the state of mind of a cultivator, we will easily fall into a state of doing things like everyday people, and be unable to achieve much, even though we expend much effort. If we cannot conduct ourselves according to the requirements of a cultivator, we will be easily taken advantage of by the evil. We may appear to be participating in Fa-rectification, yet in fact, we are only doing things like everyday people. If we cannot maintain our xinxing, we might even destroy ourselves.